Senegal is once again hit by a tragic event. Souadou Sow, a 12-year-old girl, was the victim of an attempted rape followed by murder, a fact which arouses strong emotion and general indignation in the country.
In a press release, Maimouna Dieye, Minister of Family and Solidarity, expressed her “very great sorrow” at this heinous act. “We strongly condemn this act and demand that the law be applied with the greatest rigor,” she said.
She recalled that Senegal, under the leadership of the Ministry of Family, had adopted in 2020 law 2020-05 of January 10, which criminalizes rape and pedophilia. This legislation aims to eradicate such acts in a society still too often marked by this type of tragedy.
The ministry also recalled the existence of a key tool in the fight against violence against children: the free “Allô 116” reporting line, available 24 hours a day to report any form of violence, abuse or neglect.
In a show of solidarity, Maimouna Dieye presented her most sincere condolences to Souadou’s family and assured that the government will offer all its support.
The main suspect in this case, El Hadj Modou Fall, a man in his thirties, was arrested by the police in Tivaouane Peulh after a short flight. The latter is the father of the friend with whom Souadou spent the evening of December 31.
Nicknamed Diary, Souadou Sow had been invited to a party called “milk” in her friend’s apartment. She was supposed to spend the night there, but her lifeless body was found the next morning, January 1st.
According to initial investigations, El Hadj Modou Fall attempted to rape the young girl during the night. Faced with Souadou’s resistance, he allegedly hit her before strangling her. Traces of violence were found on his body.