Vaucluse. A man refuses to comply on several occasions: he receives a one-year prison sentence

Vaucluse. A man refuses to comply on several occasions: he receives a one-year prison sentence
Vaucluse. A man refuses to comply on several occasions: he receives a one-year prison sentence


Valentine Exantus

Published on

June 11, 2024 at 3:50 p.m.

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This Monday June 10a man was sentenced to one year in prison and two years of probation after a refusal to comply in Carpentras (Vaucluse). According to information from our colleagues at France Bleu, the 40-year-old suspect hit two cars and injured five police officers in the night of May 25 around 2 a.m.

“It’s a miracle, the consequences could have been much more serious” recalled the public prosecutor.

A refusal to comply on two occasions

The facts took place during a police control, at the Intermarché service station in the town of Carpentras. The forty-year-old was driving drunk, after having consumed cocaine, all without insurance or a license.

Despite his faults, the accused would have refused to comply twice. While trying to escape the situation, he crashed into a BAC car, then a police vehicle.

He ended up being arrested at the city ​​of Pous du plan.

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Five police officers were slightly injured and two law enforcement cars were damaged.

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