Legislative elections 2024: the Federation of Republicans in Côte-d’Or calls for the resignation of Eric Ciotti

Legislative elections 2024: the Federation of Republicans in Côte-d’Or calls for the resignation of Eric Ciotti
Legislative elections 2024: the Federation of Republicans in Côte-d’Or calls for the resignation of Eric Ciotti

There Federation of Republicans in Côte-d’Or publicly opposes Eric Ciotti, the boss of the LR at the national level. This last called for his wishes this Tuesday “an alliance with the National Rally” for the early legislative elections at the end of June. “We call for his immediate resignation from his post as President of the Republicans,” writes the LR Federation in Côte-d’Or, in a press release published Tuesday May 11, 2024 in the early afternoon. The text is signed by François-Xavier Dugourd (president of the Federation in Côte-d’Or), Guillaume Ruet (departmental secretary), Axel Mouffron and Charle Bourgadel (departmental leaders of Jeunes LR).

“He turns his back on our values ​​and our political line”

“The Departmental Office of the Republicans of Côte-d’Or unambiguously dissociates itself from the declarations of Eric Ciotti in favor of an agreement with the extreme right. In doing so, by this personal and solitary position, taken without consultation of the members nor departmental officials, he turns his back on our values ​​and our political line”writes the Federation of Republicans in Côte-d’Or.

“This position is also denounced by the main leaders of our Movement: Gérard LARCHER, President of the Senate, Laurent WAUQUIEZ, President of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, Olivier MARLEIX, President of the LR group in the National Assembly, Bruno RETAILLEAU, President of the LR group in the Senatewe can also read in this press release. Faithful to its convictions, and opposed to any apparatus agreement behind the voters’ backs, the Republican Right has the duty to offer a clear and independent voice between the impotence of the Macronist “at the same time” and the leap into unknown to the RN. This is the work to which the Côte-d’Or Federation will actively contribute.”.



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