a close victory in Mayenne for Valérie Hayer, the native of the country

a close victory in Mayenne for Valérie Hayer, the native of the country
a close victory in Mayenne for Valérie Hayer, the native of the country

In Saint-Denis-d’Anjou, in Mayenne, stronghold of candidate Valérie Hayer, residents mobilized strongly this Sunday, June 9, 2024. The head of the Renaissance list won by a narrow head against Jordan’s RN Bardella.

With only 11 votes difference, it is a close victory for the native of the country, Valérie Hayer, this Sunday June 9, 2024.

In its Mayenne stronghold, in Saint-Denis-d’Anjou, the head of the Renaissance list narrowly won, with 32.3% of the votes cast, against the RN list of Jordan Bardella, which posted 30.9% of the votes. voice.

A neck-and-neck vote, followed very closely by the inhabitants, who mobilized widely for these European elections, with a record participation rate, which was close to 60%.

Voters who, for the most part, saw this daughter of farmers grow up, in this village of 1,500 inhabitants, where everyone knows each other. And where everyone was interested, more than usual, in these European elections, with local resonance.


Roger Guesdon, mayor of Saint Denis d’Anjou and Valérie Hayer, municipal councilor, during the 2008 municipal elections

© Town Hall of Saint Denis d’Anjou

During the counting in the village’s only polling station, not a sound. An almost religious silence until the last seconds, where the head of the Renaissance list ended up winning, with 11 votes more than the RN candidate, Jordan Bardella. “She saved the honor of the town”whispers a former elected official.

It was like a game of ping-pong. One bulletin for Valérie Hayer, the other for Jordan Bardella. Until the last moment, the atmosphere was electric

Roger Guesdon

Former mayor of Saint Denis d’Anjou

The Valérie Hayer effect

While the RN imposed itself like never before in these European elections, the small city of character put up resistance. “We knew the national trend in favor of the RN, but that was without taking into account the attachment of the inhabitants to the child of the country. It’s the Valérie Hayer effect!”, exclaims the former councilor.


“It’s a strange feeling to vote in European elections with a candidate you know, at least by sight”adds the former mayor of Saint Denis d’Anjou, alongside whom Valérie Hayer took her first steps in politics, at the age of 21, during the 2008 municipal elections.

Since then, the young municipal councilor has come a long way, moving from one campaign to another, before entering the European Parliament in 2019.

And to definitively make up for its notoriety deficit, at the end of these European elections.

Report by S. Bourgault, F. Cotenceau and C. Mijeon

duration of video: 00h01mn39s

Valérie Hayer was elected municipal councilor in Saint Denis d’Anjou at the age of 21

©Mairie de Saint Denis d’Anjou

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