ACTEE allocates more than 2.1 million euros to support energy renovation projects in Reunion, including 245 audits targeting school and municipal buildings. Thirteen flow manager positions are financed by ACTEE for the region, two of which are already filled.
According to Guillaume Perrin, director of the program, public buildings represent 10.6% of the island's energy consumption, a major challenge in reducing the energy bill and promoting the island's autonomy. Schools, the main beneficiaries, are the first targeted by audits and renovation projects.
Guy Hourcabie, from the FNCCR, underlines that, in France as in the former colonies integrated into the Republic, schools are a priority in this program, essential to make these places more welcoming, ecological and economical.
For former colonies, specific specifications, developed with ADEME and other partners, provide solutions adapted to the tropical climate: optimal orientation, roof insulation, natural ventilation and solar protection. These measures aim to improve thermal comfort without depending on air conditioning, according to Samy Hamdi, technical advisor to the ACTEE program.