End of ADSL from 2027: in Île-de-, in Oise, “the risk of finding yourself for months without Internet”

End of ADSL from 2027: in Île-de-, in Oise, “the risk of finding yourself for months without Internet”
End of ADSL from 2027: in Île-de-France, in Oise, “the risk of finding yourself for months without Internet”

After the end of terrestrial television in favor of DTT, another major change awaits households in Île-de- and Oise. Indeed, 2027 will mark the beginning of the end of the traditional copper telephone network, carrying ADSL. By 2030, it will even have completely disappeared to give way to optical fiber. “Keeping two networks no longer makes sense,” confirms Gautier Bezeau, communications manager at Hauts-de-France. Optical fiber also consumes much less energy than ADSL. »

Nearly 200 Oisian and Ile-de-France municipalities – mainly in Val-d'Oise, Val-de- and – will be affected by the first wave. It was also in this last department that a first test took place, Lévis-Saint-Nom having been the first municipality to say goodbye to ADSL in 2021, since joined by Voisins-le-Bretonneux. “The choice of the municipalities concerned is made in consultation with the State and the communities,” explains Gautier Bezeau. As it is only a matter of time, the question now is: will we be ready? At least some of the operators are wondering.




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