Dissolution of the National Assembly: the three deputies from Aveyron in shock

The Aveyron deputies speak of a “surprise”, but are positioning themselves for the election of June 30 and July 7, 2024.

It was 9 p.m. when the shock rang out. Emmanuel Macron announces the dissolution of the National Assembly.

Stéphane Mazars (Renaissance): “It’s heartbreaking”

Stéphane Mazars, deputy for the first constituency of Aveyron, is, at that time, at the Rodez village hall, attending the counting. The issue is whether the French will choose to give the keys to government to the National Rallyhe reacts immediately, his head lowered.

If Laurent Alexandre (center) assures that he will be on the starting line in the second constituency for the legislative election on June 30, Stéphane Mazars and Jean-François Rousset have not yet positioned themselves.

Because for its part, the time has already come to prepare for this decisive election which will take place on June 30 and July 7. They (the RN) have never been in charge and have never been able to make concrete proposals.” castigates the elected official. “This is heartbreaking in view of the current context with the war at the gates of Europe. There is one man who should be delighted with these results, and that is Vladimir Putin.”

Jean-François Rousset (Renaissance): “Did Emmanuel Macron have other alternatives?”

His colleague from the third constituency and the presidential majority Jean-François Rousset asks “time for reflection “. And, in the absence of answers, the retired surgeon asks a question: “It may be radical, but did Emmanuel Macron have other alternatives? Referendum ? His own resignation? A government of cohabitation? If we didn’t say anything, we were going to experience difficult times. Especially since we must not neglect the 40% of the extreme right“. He concludes : “These elections confirmed the polls. On the other hand, no one expected the dissolution “.

If Laurent Alexandre (center) assures that he will be on the starting line in the second constituency for the legislative election on June 30, Stéphane Mazars and Jean-François Rousset have not yet positioned themselves.

Laurent Alexandre (LFI): “The situation is serious”

In western Aveyron, which gave Aveyron a rebellious deputy in the person of the former mayor of Aubin, Laurent Alexandre, the analysis of the results is different: “We always hope for better but I think the result of La France Insoumise is interesting. We are getting slightly stronger. What is worrying, however, is the rise of the National Rally. I think the situation is serious, I’m worried“. On the positive results of the socialist list, this one “regrets that we were not able to make the Nupes for these elections. We would be the first or second political force. Now, we must prepare for the aftermath of Emmanuel Macron “. He evokes the need for a union of the left in 2027: “There is no point in uniting for union’s sake. We must unite around a common program. This program has existed since 2022, everyone must work to defend it “.

If Laurent Alexandre (center) assures that he will be on the starting line in the second constituency for the legislative election on June 30, Stéphane Mazars and Jean-François Rousset have not yet positioned themselves.
If Laurent Alexandre (center) assures that he will be on the starting line in the second constituency for the legislative election on June 30, Stéphane Mazars and Jean-François Rousset have not yet positioned themselves.

Finally, it’s “with gravity“that he addresses the dissolution of the assembly.”I think Emmanuel Macron is trying to take everyone by surprise. Now, the only rampart against the RN is La France Insoumise. I am ready to go back to work to defend the people of Aveyron “.

The RN in working order

For its part, the National Rally is already in working order for this next election. While Jean-Philippe Chartier will be a candidate in the first constituency, Marie-Christine Parolin will be in the second. Aged 62, this regional advisor, member of two commissions (higher education and research, sports), is elected in Haute-Garonne but has an address in La Loubière, near Rodez.

In the third constituency, the RN will be defended by Didier Saquet, deputy departmental delegate.



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