Xavier Teboul, the ceramist passionate about fish in Biot

Xavier Teboul, the ceramist passionate about fish in Biot
Xavier Teboul, the ceramist passionate about fish in Biot

Xavier Teboul, a passionate ceramist, left his previous life to devote himself to sculpting fish in clay. Inspired by the marine world, he creates colorful and playful works, mixing traditional art and humor, in his shop in Biot.

The link between Xavier and the marine world dates back to a significant meeting with the painter Pierre Heintz. He painted colorful fish and seabeds, and inspired Xavier to create his first fish sculptures. This passion for the sea has become a real common thread in his work.

In his shop, rue Saint-Sébastien in Biotvisitors discover a collection of fish sculpted in claypieces with a unique style, often offbeat and full of humor. Sculptures in bright colors, often surprising, and cartoon-shaped fish which bring a touch of fantasy and lightness to the traditional art of ceramics.

Visiting Xavier Teboul's shop in Biot is discover a unique artistic universe where ceramics mingle with the sea, color and joie de vivre.

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