A regrouping of forces to influence and promote Norman industrythis is the mission of the collective “France Normandy Industry” which has just seen the light of day, supported by the UIMM, the Union of Metallurgical Industries and Trades in Normandy, Medef, France Chimie Normandie and Polyvia Normandie who call on all professionals to join them to make their voices heard and above all to promote Normandy industry An industry which weighs: these are 200,000 jobs (i.e. 16% of regional employment) and 21% of Normandy's GDP.
A video game about Normandy industry to attract the employees of tomorrow
One of the challenges of the industry in Normandy is human resources. The sector is struggling to recruit and will very quickly be impacted by the population decline announced in Normandy. Norman industrialists decided to anticipate and address young peoplepotential future employees, via a video game. “Pre-industry“, that's its name, will very soon be offered to middle school, high school or high school classes, rejoices Alain Verna. It's a “quest game where young people will be able to play as a whole class and pass a certain number of tests allowing them to access videos recorded by employees or companies“The students will then have to take quizzes which will allow them to accumulate points.”Classes that perform well will be able to access more complete videos, or even real visits to companies.”.
This video game, already launched in 4 other regions, makes it possible to appeal to young people but also to people undergoing retraining and for the president of UIMM Normandy.give them a first-hand experience of what the real business world is like today” .