Biars-sur-Cère. Sob solution: a septuagenarian at the forefront of innovation

Biars-sur-Cère. Sob solution: a septuagenarian at the forefront of innovation
Biars-sur-Cère. Sob solution: a septuagenarian at the forefront of innovation

Created in 1952 by Henri-Frédéric Oinville, the company “Sob solutions” is based in the Bretenoux-Biars region, and 72 years later, it is in the hands of the fourth “Oinville” generation. It was Henri-Frédéric Oinville who created the company SOB solutions. This Parisian, pushed towards the South-West by the debacle of June 1940, will stop at Hendaye then at Bergerac before arriving at Bretenoux.

Seventy-two years later, the company is still in the hands of the Oinville family. Today Olivier, 46 years old, and Guillaume, 44 years old, chair the company. They received it from Philippe, their father, who himself received it from his father Henri-Georges, the son of the founder. Four generations, the same philosophy and principles that have made it successful: product quality, technical innovation, local anchoring through recruitment, sponsorship of athletes, sports clubs and cultural events.

In the region between Causse and Ségala, which is home to so many historic sites, there is an economic dynamism that tourism alone cannot explain, because in Biars/Cère, we manufacture, we create, we innovate…

Over nearly ten thousand square meters, the company deploys its know-how in floor paints, anti-corrosion paints, resins, coatings for contact with food and water, and other technical products for industry and civil engineering. Its trademark: quality.

Its credo: the highest technicality in response to customer requirements.

Its line of conduct: innovation. Research mobilizing 15% of the staff! Here, innovative production rhymes with environmental protection and the well-being of employees and users. The use of the most virtuous, least polluting components, the most scrupulous compliance with new health standards, are daily concerns. Hence the implementation of an ultra-efficient air filtration system in the manufacturing workshops…The reprocessing of water and adjuvants meeting the same requirements

In 2024, never satisfied, the septuagenarian company with a long line of industrialists, continues to seek new avenues for its future development.



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