The exemplary eco-district of Doulaincourt

The exemplary eco-district of Doulaincourt
The exemplary eco-district of Doulaincourt

The Doulaincourt eco-development, whose construction was entrusted to Haut- companies, is finally being built. Ambitious, virtuous, he places an economic project within an ecological framework. It is currently the only one in Haute-Marne.

What does eco-subdivision mean? Ecology? Economy ? Both, my captain! The Doulaincourt eco-district project is now in the implementation phase; It took some stubbornness and conviction on the part of its bearer for the first shovels to finally be given.

We are at the intersection of economy and ecology. Firstly because the work in progress satisfies a logic of growth; it is about developing a territory, making it more attractive to attract new inhabitants: exactly the approach of the beautiful Haut-Marne companies who want to green their practices in order to attract a new workforce concerned about eco-responsibility . The project of the mayor, Frédéric Fabre, is inseparable from the shops and services (that's eco-friendly!) which adjoin the new site. The shops and businesses of Doulaincourt will benefit from the hoped-for arrival of new residents; the town and its residents will benefit from the stability of businesses and services. The virtuous circle is underway.

Ecology is of course significant in this affair which is part of a more global environmental project: we will soon mention in these columns the launch of the photovoltaic park, for example.

This eco-district is the result of reflection fueled by trips by the town's chief magistrate, particularly to Germany. In Doulaincourt, the aim is to prepare the ground for a future subdivision so that all the work carried out upstream, even before the sale of the plots, anticipates everything else in an ecological, environmental manner. The work in progress is the provisional culmination of two and a half years of development, reflection and studies. We had to carry out tests and be evaluated by the Ministry of Ecological Transition in order to obtain the famous label. Doulaincourt is the only commune in Haute-Marne to have achieved this; However, there have been other attempts in the north and south of the department…

The Commune relied on the assistance of the DDT to put together its file. She surrounded herself with the skills of architectural, landscape and town planning firms.

The only building plot in Doulaincourt, although singularly steep, has become an area of ​​excellence. Let's see why.

Particular work was carried out on the orientation of the future houses, in order to optimize sunlight. A high rate of revegetation is planned. This aspect is entrusted to the expertise of the Martel de company. There will be real ecological continuity with the very natural environment of the neighborhood.

Water management is perhaps the most technical, the most innovative aspect of the entire project; it results from an in-depth hydrogeotechnical study. All water is infiltration. This infiltration will be optimized by appropriate devices. The roads – although reduced to leave room for vegetation – will be permeated: the tar will allow water to infiltrate. But under these roadways there will be a reservoir structure. In the event of heavy rainfall like what other regions experienced a few weeks ago, the excess water will flow into a retention basin at the foot of the hill. But this basin will be developed as an element of biodiversity.

Techniques and materials not yet deployed anywhere in Haute-Marne will be used. The work should be completed by the end of December.

This ambition comes at a cost: one million euros. The municipality has obtained aid from the GIP, the Region and the State. The Department examines the request. Companies from Haut-Marne (Eurovia, Martel) were chosen.

Nineteen lots will be put on sale. Hamaris has positioned itself for some of them.

This innovative project has attracted and convinced partners thanks to its high technical level and its requirements. For the moment, it is the only eco-district in Haute-Marne. Let's hope: others will come out of the ground and out of boxes. But Doulaincourt will remain the first.



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