Home stretch for the major hall construction site: the problem of accessibility is the subject of debate

the essential
Launched ten months ago in the heart of the Lot sub-prefecture, the Place Carnot site in Figeac is entering its final stretch. Deadlines should be met for delivery scheduled for the end of June. The question of accessibility was the subject of an on-site meeting between the mayor and associations defending people with disabilities.

The countdown begins ! In the heart of the city, the Place Carnot rehabilitation project is in full swing. Launched almost ten months ago, its epilogue is approaching on schedule. The pavers still have a few weeks left to perfect the floor of the new Figeac hall. “The work will be finished on June 30. The only uncertainty is the weather. The pavers are completing the ground in front of the cheese factory. The junction of Rue de la République will remain” explains the mayor of Figeac, André Mellinger who attends every week the site meeting in the presence of the companies. A new team of pavers is expected to strengthen the two teams already mobilized. The challenge is to keep up the pace in order to complete the work on time.

Read also :
Lot: in Figeac, the redevelopment of the market hall worries traders

The market returns on July 6

The date of the inauguration has not yet been confirmed, however it should take place at the very end of June. The traditional market must, for its part, be back under the hall on Saturday July 6. To liven up the site at the heart of all attention, the town hall and Grand Figeac which is carrying the project are working on a program of events which will be revealed soon. “A musical event will be organized on the evening of the inauguration. And after the first market, we have planned cultural events” confirms André Mellinger.

To respond to concerns related to the accessibility of the new square, the mayor of Figeac met on Thursday with local representatives of associations defending people with disabilities. In the presence of Monique Larroque, elected delegate for disabilities and accessibility and the director of technical services of the city, André Mellinger wished to present the route taken from rue de la République to place Champollion to facilitate the passage in particular wheelchairs. A channel made of stones wider and flatter than the other paving stones was tested and commented on by those present. “The compromise that we found to meet the expectations of people with reduced mobility was to improve this sufficiently wide path which was not initially planned” underlines the mayor who faces criticism. “In some places the joints are too hollow. It’s dangerous” deplore several speakers who point out the excessive irregularity of the ground. “We respected the specifications by making improvements and putting paving stones much larger than what was planned, particularly under the hall. Access to the shops is also made easier with paving stones. But it is certain that this is not flat” concedes André Mellinger who defends the choice of limestone.

The mayor of Figeac answers questions from traders and representatives of the city’s associations.

“We looked for the best compromise”

The elected official recalls that before this project, the various sidewalks made it impossible for people with mobility issues to move under the hall. “Every day, customers tell us that their feet hurt. Elderly people have already fallen,” laments a trader, also worried about the movement of delivery men. For the mayor, the questions and fears are legitimate around such a change. “It takes time to adapt. Given the technical, aesthetic, architectural and regulatory constraints, we sought the best compromise.” The only small satisfaction shared at the end of this exchange: the success of this beautification which, in everyone’s opinion, now offers a larger and brighter place in the heart of Figeac.

The mayor of Figeac tested the difficulty of moving on the new paving stones of the hall.


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