SEPTUORS Tarn & Garonne: DIGITAL AWARD Innovation and Economy – Local gems in the spotlight

SEPTUORS Tarn & Garonne: DIGITAL AWARD Innovation and Economy – Local gems in the spotlight
SEPTUORS Tarn & Garonne: DIGITAL AWARD Innovation and Economy – Local gems in the spotlight

the essential
Businesses in Tarn-et-Garonne returned to the Septuors, an annual meeting dedicated to them since 2023. This Thursday, May 30, the department was once again the scene of this evening which highlights the economy local.

The evening was launched by Frédéric Touraille, Deputy Managing Director of La Dépêche du Midi, organizer of the event presenting the transformation of the group’s commercial agency renamed “evelyne”.

The ceremony took place in the heart of the Departmental Council in Montauban.


Gardeis Farm, a farm like no other

In Reyniès, at the gates of Labastide-Saint-Pierre, the Ferme de Gardeis brings together several productions: one on red fruits with above-ground strawberries on 2 hectares of greenhouses, the other on seed corn on 140 hectares and a 24-hectare apple production for the Montalbanese producer group Blue Whale, French apple leader.

Pascal Levade at the head of operations

Involved in agriculture since the age of 18, Pascal Levade, now 58, is at the head of these two adjoining farms. He developed his profession on the strawberry side of which he has been a producer for 30 years. Following COP21, it decided to review its agricultural model. “I realized that if I didn’t change, I would no longer be able to produce and guarantee production.” To move from on-ground to above-ground production, he installed a greenhouse in 2019 with strong consideration of its technicality. “I wanted a tool that had zero impact on the environment while using as few resources as possible.” Alone on the farm which also has three workshops, Pascal Valade has set up a cross-functional maintenance system, and above it a group of employers which allows him to transfer the workforce from one group to the other. other, and between neighbors. An administrative mission allows him to second an accountant two and a half days a week to the operation to manage IT flows between customers and suppliers. No less than 2,400 strawberry delivery notes are issued per month!

A greenhouse and technologies

In the Ferme de Gardeis greenhouse, everything has been designed to optimize production. It is thus specifically oriented at 22° North to follow the orientation of the sun and increase in temperature from daybreak. Inside, we find different technologies including more than 60 probes which manage humidity, temperature, etc. everything is connected to a computer via computer flows. “We work with a remote vision on the management of the tool via telephone and tablet via internet connection. We regulate the tool using this computer associated with AI,” explains Pascal Levade.

“We manage to manage the carbon level in the greenhouse as well as to develop the plants so that they are in very good health and so that they can defend themselves naturally so as not to apply phytosanitary products” continues- he. Following the implementation of this system, the Gardeis Farm responds to the three pillars of sustainable agriculture: economically with two hectares above ground equivalent to 5 hectares on the ground, environmentally with water consumption divided by four, and socially in offering mothers the opportunity to work only in the morning.

Always a strong commitment

“A new step is about to be reached since we are connecting the video of our plants with our technician to monitor the stress of the plants (water or health) at any time. In addition, we only work with organic controls without being classified organic and work on the taste aspect of our strawberries by managing sugars and dry matter,” announces Pascal Levade. Operating at HVE level 3 version 4, the Ferme de Allezis finds opportunities in direct stores with deliveries in less than two hours in certain cases, but also with communities and certain professionals such as pastry chefs, without forgetting the available second choice for jams with 100 to 150 customers per day. To meet the expectations of its customers, the farm should double its strawberry production area in 2025, production from February to October.

Laurent Averseng and Pascal LEVADE


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