the temporary pool is ready to welcome the students of Sisteron

the temporary pool is ready to welcome the students of Sisteron
the temporary pool is ready to welcome the students of Sisteron

SPORTS / EDUCATION / Students from four schools in Sisteron will be able to learn to swim as part of the “know how to swim” system

– Alpes de Haute Provence –

Following the swimming pool fire in 2017 and its destruction in December 2023, Sisteron no longer has equipment to allow children to learn to swim. Until then, classes were forced to go to Laragne-Monteglin to do their first swims. To overcome this infrastructure problem, the municipality purchased a removable pool 14 meters long and 7 meters wide. It is installed in the Marres sports complex until the school term, July 8. A pool to allow children from four primary schools in Sisteron to learn to swim from this Monday, June 10, in water that is changed every day. A structure measuring one meter and fifty deep, purchased therefore, and which is intended to be reinstalled each year to overcome the difficulty of relaunching a swimming pool project in Sisteron explains mayor Daniel Spagnou.

“The State is reluctant to give us subsidies because we have a body of water. For the moment, the swimming pool project is in the water because it costs too much. 20 million euros is far too much for the community of communes.” D. Spagnou

This temporary pool is for the mayor “the right system for learning to swim”. In total, the entire project costs the municipality around 100,000 euros this year, half for the purchase of the pool, the other for operation. The pool alone costs 350,000 euros: the State and the French Swimming Federation helped the municipality purchase the installation.

N. Dalbera



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