She wants to create a cultural bridge between Côtes-d'Armor and Korea

She wants to create a cultural bridge between Côtes-d'Armor and Korea
She wants to create a cultural bridge between Côtes-d'Armor and Korea

Based in Plouëc-du-Trieux for two years, Jaehee Dincuff, real estate advisor, wants to promote Korean culture in Côtes-d'Armor. After learning French in high school and honing her skills at university, she worked for the South Korean embassy in in the education section. She and her family then chose to settle down in the region where her husband comes from and where they regularly came on vacation.

However, Jaehee regrets the absence of a Korean association in the region, although there are some in Finistère and Ille-et-Vilaine. “Most big cities have a Korean school, like , or . In Saint-Brieuc, there are many adopted Koreans as well as an honorary consul whose father is Korean. This is why it would be interesting to create an association,” she explains.

Language and cooking classes

His project aims to establish a cultural bridge between and Korea. To do this, she hopes to obtain a grant from the South Korean consulate to support this initiative.

Jaehee plans to hold language classes, but wants to go further by offering cooking workshops emphasizing that “Korean cuisine is very healthy.” Furthermore, according to her, learning Korean is not difficult, “it mainly takes good will,” assures the former teacher who sometimes gives lessons voluntarily at Notre-Dame college, where her daughter attends school.


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