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Country of Montbéliard. The new concept of the ephemeral medical office arrives in Voujeaucourt

Country of Montbéliard. The new concept of the ephemeral medical office arrives in Voujeaucourt
Country of Montbéliard. The new concept of the ephemeral medical office arrives in Voujeaucourt

We knew about scholarships, tax exemptions, financial aid of all kinds. Here comes, on the front of the fight against medical desertification, the ephemeral cabinet. An experimental device which certainly covers some of the main aspects usually implemented in order to attract practitioners, but with a limited lifespan and exclusively valid for young doctors.

Work together and not in competition

Because by ensuring the costs of the building for a maximum period of two years, all with the financial and logistical support of the Regional Health Agency (ARS), the communities which embark on the adventure are making a bet on the future . “By supporting them in this way, the idea is that they settle down permanently,” explains the mayor of Voujeaucourt, Martine Videy. Which has joined forces, in this unprecedented approach, with the neighboring town of Bavans where there have been no doctors since last January. “With Voujeaucourt, which will soon have only one left, we said to ourselves that we had to go in the same direction rather than pulling each one their own way,” continues Sophie Radreau, the first magistrate of Bavans.

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A maximum two-year commitment from municipalities

Thus, at the end of a collective approach in which various partners have signed up, including the ARS and Health Insurance, the first ephemeral medical practice, with a newly qualified doctor on board, will open this Monday in Voujeaucourt. And if the choice of location fell on the latter territory, it is because it is classified as a priority intervention zone, unlike Bavans, synonymous with future advantages for practitioners. Until then, in the next two years maximum, the two communities will share the costs of the premises: the work necessary for its development, including charges and the rent of €760 per month.

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The role of university internship supervisors

Long-term cost for each of the communities: around €40,000. With the prospect of the reinforcement of other doctors in the future. From January with consultations with a general practitioner, one day per week. Then another, in the summer of 2025, once his course is completed. And if all this is made possible, this is due to the essential role of university internship supervisors, in other words these general practitioners specially trained to support interns. “There are not many of them in North Franche-Comté”, notes Doctor Chekib Ainaoui, the newcomer to Voujeaucourt who will begin his first consultations this Monday, “but the more there are of them, the more it will favor the installations”.



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