a Handiville, to put yourself in the daily life of a disabled person

a Handiville, to put yourself in the daily life of a disabled person
a Handiville, to put yourself in the daily life of a disabled person

SOCIETY / The event was held this Tuesday at Oraison. Wheelchairs, glasses simulating low vision, noise-cancelling headphones… several residents have put themselves in the shoes of a disabled person in their daily life. Jean Tripodi, the president of Coeur Lavande 04, launches an appeal on the eve of the European elections

– Alpes de Haute Provence –

Almost 20 years after the passage of the accessibility law, where are we in the Southern Alps? The daily life of a disabled person, whether in a wheelchair, visually impaired, suffering from mental disorders or autism, can often be like an obstacle course. However, “changing a few things is often enough to improve” Jean Tripodi once again reminded Oraison this Tuesday. The founding president of the Cœur Lavande 04 association held a “Handi ‘ville”, a project carried out since 2022 to raise public awareness of the difficulties encountered when one is disabled. Wheelchairs, glasses simulating low vision, noise-canceling headphones… several residents have put themselves in the situation. Because although efforts have been made almost everywhere since the 2005 law, there is still more to do. Jean Tripodi does not hesitate to launch an appeal before the European elections.

“We talk little about disability, a lot about social issues. I am not afraid to say that we are a society of welfare recipients”, J. Tripodi



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