Here are all the projects partly financed by the European Union in Haut-Rhin


Benjamin Forant

Published on

June 4, 2024 at 4:12 p.m.

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D-5 before the vote European of 2024. The latter will be held on June 9 in several thousand polling stations across the country.

At the dawn of this election, News Haut-Rhin lists the projects concerned by various funding from the European Union. The complete list of other departments is available on the Europe website in France.

Development of the multimodal hub at Saint-Louis station

Thanks to funding of €1,688,286 (out of more than 5 million), Saint-Louis was able to implement the extension of its tram line 3. “This development will benefit the entire living area of ​​the trinational Eurodistrict of Basel and will encourage the modal shift from the car to modes of transport with low environmental impact,” specified the organizers at the time of the implementation of the project.

Europe helped to improve line 3 of the Saint-Louis tram (©Europe in France)

The Eurostages

This system enabled 153 Alsatian students from bilingual classes to carry out their discovery internship in German companies. The EU helped with €109,500.


An island in the Rhine welcomes Art’Rhena, a binational cultural center for performing arts. Artist residencies, shows, exhibitions, music, dance, workshops bring together French and German artists and the general public and erase language barriers. Europe helped with financing to the tune of 2 million euros.

The Art’Rhéna building (©Europe in France)

An Alsatian digital wine trail

In order to enhance its wine landscape, the Thann intercommunality wanted to create two hiking loops between trails in partnership with the Club Vosgien, an Alsatian and Lorraine federation which maintains and marks more than 16,500 kilometers of trails in the Vosges Massif. The installation of signage on the trail is supplemented by the creation of digital media (games, videos, interviews) accessible through the applications of local Tourist Offices. The EU helps with 40% of the cost.

Videos: currently on -

The rolling radio project

The “Radio that rolls” project of the Old School association, based in Mulhouse, combines media education, production of new content and the fight against discrimination against people with disabilities. It is financed to the tune of 17,249 euros by the EU.


In Mulhouse, the industry is going digital with the creation of a city dedicated to digital bringing together companies, schools, startups, etc. in a former rehabilitated industrial site, located in the ZAC de la Fonderie. Europe helped with one million euros.

KMØ, a city dedicated to digital innovation in Mulhouse
KMØ, a city dedicated to digital innovation in Mulhouse (©Europe in France)

Creation of a dairy processing workshop

In Ranspach-le-Haut, EARL Schmit, a mixed crop and livestock farming operation, has favored the path of diversification, by creating a dairy processing workshop intended for the production of yogurts, cottage cheeses and milk. Aid amounting to 16,458 euros.

Creation of a coworking space at the Technopole Mulhouse

To intensify the collaborative working method and respond to growing demand from companies and salaried or self-employed workers in this area, the Technopole must adapt its service offering. This is why M2A decided to set up a training space and a second coworking space. The aid represents more than 86,000 euros.

Invention of new fabrics

Toys, clothing… many products used in our daily lives contain chemicals. It is not always easy to eradicate them from the manufacturing process. In Mulhouse, the laboratory of the French Textile and Clothing Institute (IFTH) is contributing to this, with the support of European Funds to the tune of 230,000 euros.

A store selling farm products was developed
A store selling farm products was developed (©Europe in France)

Development of a store selling farm products

Eager to promote the landscape quality of their valley through the wide range of local products, farmers have come together to open a collective sales point for their farm products in Saint-Amarin. This is how “Flavors and Colors of the Mountain” opened. Aid of 7900 euros.

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