When the contemptuous behavior of the CEO of Air Senegal towards pilgrims causes talk

When the contemptuous behavior of the CEO of Air Senegal towards pilgrims causes talk
When the contemptuous behavior of the CEO of Air Senegal towards pilgrims causes talk

Despite assurances from the authorities, the pilgrimage to the holy places of Islam has experienced its first hiccups. But from whom? No surprises among a good number of Senegalese who are now getting used to the mistakes of the national company Air Sénégal. Indeed, the company which is still struggling to transport its pilgrims in order to allow them to be on time at the holy places of Islam and to properly carry out the Hajj, has left behind 280 people for whom the flight was planned. Friday. For good reason, a huge delay of a flight which was to leave Paris to transport them to Mecca. A second flight was scheduled to leave this Saturday at 10:50 a.m. The company had finally rented a flight and would have to transport the pilgrims during the night without forgetting the 3rd flight which was to leave the same day at 3 a.m. A situation that these pilgrims did not expect.

This Saturday, the discontent of the pilgrims was at its height. Indeed, in images which circulated endlessly on social networks, they began to raise their voices against the contemptuous attitude of the general director of Air Senegal who was on the scene. A total vagueness and a lack of communication between the company and the pilgrims. The latter, in reality, decried the arrogance and lack of responsibility of the general director of the indexed company who did not even deign to speak to the pilgrims.

Faced with this situation of cacophony and uncertainty, the director general of the AIBD, Cheikh Bamba Dieye, decided to take matters into his own hands to avoid disruption to the airport and ensure its continued operation. Indeed, Cheikh Bamba Dieye openly promised to charter a flight for these pilgrims. “The responsibility lies with us and we assume it. We’re not going to lie to you. We are currently negotiating to find you a plane that will transport all the pilgrims. We’re not going to lie to you. We fully recognize the harm that Air Senegal has caused you…” declared the director of the AIBD who, moreover, made commitments which were not within his remit. He even personally took the initiative to look for buses transporting pilgrims as well as people accompanying them to hotels while waiting for the situation to return to normal.

Is it the responsibility of Blaise Diagne International Airport (AIBD) to find a flight for pilgrims as well as their care? Isn’t it an evasion of responsibility by ignoring these pilgrims who, at the very least, should benefit from a lesser act of empathy on the part of the general director of the Air Senegal company who was on site? It was obviously up to the director of this “problem” company to reassure customers, rehabilitate them and find solutions. Should the AIBD, which is responsible for managing the airport, take on this responsibility at a time when the main person concerned and the pilgrims’ interlocutor is “playing dead”? This is obviously the straw that breaks the camel’s back because this company has recently been in the eye of the storm with its multiple failings to no end. What to do now? What is clear to any observer and to Air Senegal’s customers is that the company must review its copy if it aims to become the leader in air transport in West Africa.




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