“Having a club in Fédérale 1 in Aveyron is essential”

“Having a club in Fédérale 1 in Aveyron is essential”
“Having a club in Fédérale 1 in Aveyron is essential”

the essential
Since 2019 and the administrative demotion leading to a judicial liquidation of the Rodez club, the department no longer has representatives at the highest federal level. A climb from Millau today would therefore be a godsend.

“We have been orphans of the Federal 1 for many years now. A rise in Millau would be a good thing for Aveyron rugby. It is important that there is a locomotive. And it is perhaps there”says Gérard Fourquet, president of the Aveyron committee.

“When Rodez was in Fédérale 1, it was a powerful club”

“In any department, you need a driving club. When Rodez was in Fédérale 1, it was a driving club for Aveyron, because quite a few players were transferred whether to LSA, Millau or Decazeville. Having a club in Fédérale 1 in Aveyron is essential. It’s a lack since Rodez is no longer at that level.”believes the former Piton player, Romain Boscus, who was in the SRA squad during his last season at the highest federal level in 2018-2019, before the club disappeared for financial reasons and gave way to Rodez rugby.

A possible accession of Millau which would also bring back good memories to the architects of the accession to group B, equivalent of the current Fédérale 1, in 1997, such as Gilbert Pagès: “It would make me happy and it would be good for Aveyron rugby if there was someone who would pull it up. I experienced a rise with Millau and all the rises, whether in honor, in federal, or nationally, it’s always pleasant to experience these stories of friends, exceptional meetings. The climb with Millau was one of the good moments of my career.

A level that has evolved well

Since the end of the last century, however, the highest federal level no longer has much of a comparison, as rugby and its championship pyramid have greatly evolved. “Before the Nationale and the Nationale 2 (3rd and 4th French levels) were not created, there were a lot of players who were finishing their careers as former pros in the Federal 1. The level was really very, very high. Today, I think this is less the case, even if it remains a very good amateur level. We still find players with experience and impact, so it’s certain that there is a gap with the Federal 2. And the players who cannot make the grade switch to the surrounding clubs.”, explains the Ruthenian Romain Boscus, future coach of Haguenau (F3), he who knows the Fédérale 1 well having spent a year on the Pamiers bench in 2022-2023. In any case, Millau and Aveyron would like to discover for themselves the reality of this division. A whole department is waiting for him!




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