A copious memorial program planned for June to remember the tragedy of Tulle

A copious memorial program planned for June to remember the tragedy of Tulle
A copious memorial program planned for June to remember the tragedy of Tulle

Exhibitions, films, conferences, testimonies… the memorial program for the month of June is dense for the 80th anniversary of the Tulle tragedy.

The month of June begins and with it its procession of meetings scheduled by the Committee of Martyrs as part of the 80th anniversary of the tragedy of June 9, 1944.
June 9 will of course give rise to a more important commemoration than usual. But first, films, exhibitions, concerts and conferences are to be noted on the calendar.
At the media library. From June 3 to 16, the media library will host an exhibition on the Dachau camp proposed by the association La memoire en chemin de Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

Each victim of June 9, 1944 has his own face: enameled plaques inaugurated Thursday in Tulle

On June 3, at 6 p.m., screening in the auditorium of Jean Pradinas’ film The Memory of the Living in partnership with Peuple et culture.
At the auditorium, Tuesday June 4, at 6 p.m., Fabien Devilliers will give a conference on his memorial journey from the Gurs camp to Auschwitz, 3,000 km by bike. On June 5, at the same place at 6 p.m., director Caroline Reussner will present her film The SS of Das Reich with an exchange at the end.
Friday June 7, at 6 p.m., conference by Henri Ménudier, professor at the Sorbonne, originally from Limousin, on “80 years of Franco-German relations, from war to peace, 80 years after Tulle”.
At the Véo cinema. Thursday June 6, at 8:30 p.m., screening of Patrick Séraudie’s film, Silence and Pain, in the presence of the director and witnesses to the film.
At the CCS and the Latreille room. From June 3 to 5, exhibition “Towards Victory, France in combat from 1942 to 1945”. Then from June 6, exhibition “June 44 Tulle martyr city”, an exhibition on the drama of Tulle in 12 panels produced in partnership with Onac and the municipal and departmental archives. It will be visible at the CCS until June 9 then at the Latreille room from June 10. Interviews with survivors conducted by Gilles Chavant, history professor and the Martyrs’ Committee will be screened in a loop. Workshops for making small porcelain birds will be offered to young people by Peuple et Culture.
In Marbot. On June 8, at 8:30 p.m., major classical concert with Tamayo Ikeda on piano and Louis Rodde on cello. Price 10 euros, upon reservation.




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