Saint-Michel-de-Bannières. Works: questions and answers

Saint-Michel-de-Bannières. Works: questions and answers
Saint-Michel-de-Bannières. Works: questions and answers

Thursday, May 16, the municipal council invited the residents of Saint-Michel-de-Bannières to a public meeting to present the urban developments planned for the village as well as the town hall rehabilitation plans. Nearly 60 people were present. After a short welcome from Mayor Gaëligue Jos, and in order to place the themes of the meeting in their context, Sylvain Cabrignac, lieutenant in the Operational Preparation Service of the Lot Departmental Fire and Rescue Service, gave a quick history of the elements leading to the administrative closure of the village hall. Francis Lacayrouse, vice-president of roads and paths at the Cauvaldor community of communes, recalled the procedure for setting up village heart projects and the relationship between the commune and the community of communes. The detailed plans for the new town planning and building infrastructure were then presented and were the subject of discussions. The criteria for obtaining the subsidies essential to carrying out the work were recalled: improvements to public spaces, in particular de-waterproofing of soils, road renovations. It was also important to discuss the advantages and disadvantages for residents and the consequences for local commerce and businesses. The architectural firm, Atelier A, presented the project and responded to residents’ questions or concerns.

For Gaëligue Jos this meeting was important and necessary to understand the ideas and concerns of residents in order to ensure that the planned developments meet the needs of the entire community. Certain constraints are also imposed on the municipal council but the idea of ​​this meeting was to take into account as best as possible the remarks made and the comments.




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