A “star” bottle at the Maison de l’absinthe

A “star” bottle at the Maison de l’absinthe
A “star” bottle at the Maison de l’absinthe

This is the story of a survivor who spent 120 years underwater before resurfacing. A bottle of absinthe is at the center of the new temporary exhibition at the Maison de l'absinthe in Môtiers. Entitled “a bottle in the sea”, this exhibition retraces the journey of this precious bottle, from its departure for Asia until its return to Couvet.

Present since 2014 at the Maison de l'absinthe, the precious bottle this time occupies the central place of an exhibition, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the valley institution.

The heyday of absinthe

The exhibition traces the history of this bottle, but also looks back on the expedition which led to its discovery in 1991, with expert testimonies and immersive films. It also allows us to understand a particular context during which the export of absinthe and its consumption were at their peak. “In the second half of the 19th century, absinthe was drunk everywhere and by everyone,” underlines Mathieu Schaffter, curator of the exhibition.

This temporary exhibition of the Maison de l'Absinthe, “A bottle in the sea”, will be varnished on Friday evening at 6 p.m. It will remain in place until September 30. /gjo



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