This Barnier government minister visiting on Thursday: here’s why

This Barnier government minister visiting on Thursday: here’s why
This Barnier government minister visiting Dijon on Thursday: here’s why


Nicolas Salin

Published on

Oct. 23 2024 at 5:57 p.m

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The Minister Delegate for Industry Marc Ferraccimember of the Barnier government, is traveling to Côte-d'Or this Thursday, October 24, as part of a day dedicated to innovation and economic development.

Marc Ferracci will visit the Inventiva company in , recognized for its advances in biotechnologyparticularly in the area of treatments for fibrotic diseases and the cancer.

A whole day in Côte-d'Or

The day will continue with a visit to the Astrea company in -lès-Dijon, a few kilometers from Dijon, which specializes in manufacturing of technical components for various sectors, including aeronautics and industry.

Finally, the last visit will take place in Seurre, in the premises of Proteor, a company specialized in manufacturing medical devices, including orthopedic prostheses.

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