The dog that seriously injured a mail carrier will be euthanized

The dog that seriously injured a mail carrier will be euthanized
The dog that seriously injured a mail carrier will be euthanized

Dog attack – It was the owner himself who made the decision to proceed with euthanasia

According to Bleu Gascogne, in Bénesse-Maremne, in the Landes, a dog of the American Bully breed will be euthanized after attacking and seriously injuring a postwoman at the beginning of October. The animal, identified for its aggressive behavior, was placed under observation in a shelter after the incident for veterinary checks.

The local authorities had initiated a procedure aimed at assessing the dangerousness of the dog, in accordance with the regulations in force. Ultimately, it was the owner himself who made the decision to proceed with euthanasia, after consultation with local authorities and veterinary services.

Serious injuries and ongoing proceedings

The attack occurred while the postwoman was making her usual rounds in the town. The dog took advantage of a gate left open to escape and violently attack the victim, injuring her arm and especially her calf, where the injuries were more serious. After the attack, the victim was quickly treated medically, but she still suffers from after-effects, in particular wounds which are difficult to heal.

The Post Office also filed a complaint following the incident. At the same time, an investigation was opened to determine the exact circumstances of the attack and to assess the responsibility of the owner(…) Read more on 20minutes

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