Sleeve. Electric scooters: MP Bertrand Sorre wants to introduce the helmet requirement

Sleeve. Electric scooters: MP Bertrand Sorre wants to introduce the helmet requirement
Sleeve. Electric scooters: MP Bertrand Sorre wants to introduce the helmet requirement


Gilles Patry

Published on

May 27, 2024 at 12:07 p.m.

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Bertrand Sorre, deputy for Manche, wants to establishobligation of wearing a helmet for the users electric scooters.

He has just sent a written question to the Minister of the Interior.

Alarming figures

“In 2023, in France, 42 people died as a result of an electric scooter accident, i.e. 20% more than in 2022. mortality has also been multiplied by four in 4 years. These numbers are alarming. THE firefighters and the hospitals have been sounding the alarm for months with the multiplication of the accidents“, he explains.

“Even if the Highway Code applies to these vehicles and sets the rules of traffic of parking and the sanctionsin the event of non-compliance, wearing a helmet on greenways and cycle paths is still not compulsory, even though certain electric scooters can reach 80 km/h . Faced with this situation, it is necessary to react by imposing new protection devicesadapted such as the widespread use of helmets. »

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