his alleged attackers tried in July

his alleged attackers tried in July
his alleged attackers tried in July

It is a dispute born on social networks, against a backdrop of rivalry and fighting, which would have effectively led two teenagers, aged 13 and 14 respectively, to attack another on Wednesday May 22 at the end of the afternoon. noon in Bourg-lès-Valence.

This is what they explained Friday evening to a magistrate from the Valence public prosecutor’s office before whom they were brought after their period of police custody, as explained by the public prosecutor of Valence Laurent de Caigny.

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Seriously injured, the victim, a 13-year-old schoolboy, was taken care of near the Bourcaine Chirouzes school by the firefighters.

Evacuated, medically treated at the Valence hospital center, suffering from fractures, the teenager was given 30 days of ITT.

Facts condemned by the rectorate

According to investigations carried out by investigators from the personal violence group of the local judicial police service, the victim, a 4th grade student at Saint-Victor college in Valence, had a meeting with other college students from the Bourcain establishment. Gérard Gaud before violence broke out behind the Chirouzes home for all.

Facts immediately condemned by Hélène Insel, rector of the Grenoble academy, “with my support for the victim and her family, as well as the entire school community in the face of this act of violence” and Marlène Mourier mayor (LR) from Bourg-lès-Valence: “This type of thing is unacceptable. I don’t know these young people involved but we can clearly see the harm that social networks can do. These young people delight in violence and not in exchange, and that astounds me. »

“The most severe measure possible for their age”

The same evening of the attack, a 13-year-old teenager also injured (four-day ITT) who had presented himself to the Valentin police station to file a complaint for violence, finally admitted to investigators that he was involved in the fight. The second suspect, aged 14, was arrested on Thursday May 23 afternoon.

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After their presentation, the magistrate decided to place them under judicial supervision while waiting for the adolescents to answer for their actions in court next July.

“The most severe measure possible for their age” insisted the public prosecutor Laurent de Caigny. In particular, they are prohibited from leaving their places of residence between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. and of course prohibited from making contact.



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