The Paccots resort has a new identity to survive the mild winters –

The Paccots resort has a new identity to survive the mild winters –
The Paccots resort has a new identity to survive the mild winters –

Weakened by the lack of snow in recent years, the Friborg resort of Paccots (FR) wants to focus on four-season tourism, without abandoning skiing. To do this, the ski lift company changed its name and became Destination Veveyse. The resort is still looking for local investors.

While some people feared that this winter would be the last at Paccots, the resort gets a reprieve. To save itself, the Friborg Préalpes ski lift company recently decided to change its name and become Destination Veveyse. With a new president at its head, the station is however still looking for local investors.

“It’s something quite difficult at the moment. The first thing was to seek private or business loans to save the situation of the ski lifts. Which is done. Now, the goal is to make a budget over five years Then, at the end of 2024, it will be a matter of recapitalizing the new company Destination Veveyse”, explains its president Gilbert Coquoz.

Relief for traders

For Yves Büchler as for the other traders in the station, it is a relief. “This is excellent news,” rejoices the man who has worked at Paccots for 35 years. In his eyes, the station’s change of identity was necessary.

“I’ve been thinking for a long time that we need to work a little differently in our region. Small stations don’t have the means to work separately. We need to pool together. What was recently presented at the general assembly ski lifts is essential to the future of the resort,” says Yves Büchler.

New four-season strategy

The change in identity comes with a new strategy. Tourism is now considered on a regional scale. The Paccots also want to focus on the other three seasons, without abandoning the winter season.

“Last winter, we saw that it was not extraordinary in terms of snowfall. Without being a guesser, we can imagine that the situation will be identical during future (winter) seasons. So we must also bet on the three other seasons, while also retaining winter here in Paccots”, notes the prefect of Veveyse François Genoud.

Around forty projects are currently under discussion. Among them is the installation of four giants which will serve to tell the story of tourism in Veveyse. Each will represent a symbol of the region: the carpenter, the dryad, the armaili and the cheesemaker.

TV topic: Manon Touati

Web adaptation: Didier Kottelat



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