La insoumise withdraws its motion to reject before the start of examination of the text in the Assembly

The La insoumise group in the National Assembly announced the withdrawal of the rejection motion, which it wanted to table before the examination of the finance bill, setting the budget for the year 2025.

A desire not to block. While the debate on the finance bill was to begin, first, with the study of a rejection motion, tabled by La France insoumise, the group chaired by Mathilde Panot decided to withdraw this said motion.

A withdrawal, announced by LFI MP Eric Coquerel, also president of the Finance Committee, which allows the debates around the 2025 budget to be officially launched in the Hemicycle.

As a reminder, the motion for prior rejection voted on before the start of the discussion in public session, allows deputies to reject a text before even debating it.

A symbolic act

A few hours before the start of the debates, Eric Coquerel confessed that this motion to reject had “little chance of passing”.

The parliamentarian thus recognized that it was more of a symbolic gesture. In fact, the prior rejection of the draft budget would have the consequence of sending the draft budget directly to the Senate, where the government has a majority.

The examination of the “revenue” part of the State budget for 2025, which provides for 60 billion in savings, begins Monday in the Hemicycle. The debates promise to be very tense, with certain key measures coming up against a wall of opposition, even certain supporters of Michel Barnier.

The debates are currently scheduled until Saturday, with a formal vote on Tuesday. But the general budget rapporteur, MP LIOT Charles de Courson, was not very optimistic about the possibility of reaching a vote before Friday, given the approximately 3,500 amendments tabled.

The specter of the use of article 49.3, allowing the text to be passed without a vote, also hangs over the Palais-Bourbon. If the Prime Minister were to use this tool, La France insoumise has indicated that it would immediately file a motion of censure.



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