Trudeau says Canada’s allies are happy with his military spending | War in Ukraine

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Canada’s allies are satisfied with its defense investments, although they are below the 2% of GDP threshold required by its commitments to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), taken several times since 2006.

A bipartisan group of 23 US senators, a majority of them Democrats, in a letter urged the Canadian prime minister to respect Canada’s commitments toNATO and to respect the objective of 2% of GDP.

In 2023, Canadian spending in the defense sector represents 1.38% of GDP and, by 2028, is expected to reach 1.76% of GDP.

But the Canadian Prime Minister says that, in the conversations I had with my American colleagues and counterpartsCanada’s investments are all extremely well received by the Americans and by our allies around the world who want to see us continue to intensify our efforts.

He mentioned new fighter planes, our investments –almost 40billions of dollars– in the modernization of NORAD [et] our recent budget’s massive investments in Arctic safety and security –recognizing that the western and northern flank of theNATO is the Canadian Arctic”,”text”:”the massive investments we are making to modernize our fighter fleet with 88 new fighter jets, our investments – almost $40 billion – in modernizing [et] our recent budget’s massive investments in the – recognizing that the western and northern flank of the eastern Canadian Arctic”}}”>the massive investments we are making to modernize our fighter fleet with 88 new fighter jets, our investments – almost $40 billion – in the modernization of NORAD [et] our recent budget’s massive investments in Arctic safety and security – recognizing that the western and northern flank of theNATO is the Canadian Arctic.

The members of the Atlantic Alliance committed to respecting this threshold in 2006, again in 2014 in Wales, then once again in 2023 in Lithuania, recall the American senators, immediately presenting themselves as friends of Canada.

By the end of 2024, 18 member countries of theNATO out of 32 will achieve the Alliance’s objective, they indicate.


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The leaders of NATO’s 31 member countries – with Sweden joining in March 2024 – took a family photo in Vilnius in July 2023. (File photo)

Photo: Getty Images / AFP / Odd Andersen

The 2% threshold is a minimum objective to be achieved and does not represent a limit, American allies point out. This commitment also includes the investment of 20% of this sum to equipment intended to modernize their capabilities.

In 2029, Canada’s defense spending is expected to reach just 1.7%, five years after the agreed 2024 deadline and still below the spending baseline.

A quote from Excerpt from the letter from the 23 American senators

Trudeau blames Stephen Harper’s Conservatives

Justin Trudeau instead places the blame on the former Conservative government of Stephen Harper for the low share of GDP intended for defense spending.

% of our GDP in 2014″,”text”:”We must remember that it was the former Conservative government of Stephen Harper, in which Pierre Poilievre was minister, which caused military investments to fall to less than 1% of our GDP in 2014″}}”>We must remember that it was the former Conservative government of Stephen Harper, in which Pierre Poilievre was minister, which caused military investments to fall to less than 1% of our GDP in 2014reacted Justin Trudeau, questioned while he was making a health announcement.

% of GDP and we will continue to increase our investments in defense”,”text”:”On the contrary, in 2015 we were elected and we doubled investments in defense. We are now targeting 1.76% of GDP and we will continue to increase our investments in defense”}}”>On the contrary, in 2015, we got elected and we doubled investments in defense. We are now targeting 1.76% of the GDP and we will continue to increase our investments in defenseargued the Prime Minister of Canada. We’re not done yet. There is still a lot to dohe added in English.

We recognize that more needs to be done and we will be there to do it, because we are the ones who take Canada’s defense needs seriously and ensure that the women and men of our armed forces have the right equipment, not only to meet the expectations of their fellow citizens, but also to meet the expectations of our allies around the worldargued Justin Trudeau.


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Canadian Army soldiers participating in the NATO Enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group military exercise. (Archive photo)

Photo: Reuters / INTS KALNINS

Conservative MP Pierre Paul-Hus reacted on Wednesday by affirming that he finds it shameful that American senators are forced to do this, to send a letter like that to the Prime Minister of Canada to tell him: “Hey Sir, you have obligations to respect, do it”.

The Minister of National Defense, Bill Blair, for his part indicated on Wednesday that Canada is on a strong upward trajectory in terms of defense spending. We have clearly indicated in our budget the path to follow to achieve this. I am confident that I will be able to assure concerned senators that Canada will be ready and ablehe said.

Return Canada on a responsible track

Without explicitly committing to respecting the 2% threshold of GDPthe Canadian Prime Minister affirmed that Canada will continue to do more.

We put Canada back on a responsible track when it comes time not only to defend our country, but to protect our allies around the world in this moment of uncertainty pleaded Justin Trudeau.

In their letter, the American senators emphasize that the Transatlantic Alliance is today facing one of the most serious threats in its history.

NATO in Europe is needed to deter further Russian aggression”,”text”:”A strong NATO presence in Europe is needed to deter further Russian aggression”}}”>A strong presence ofNATO in Europe is necessary to deter further Russian aggressionthey say, while the Vladimir Putin’s large-scale and unprovoked war against Ukraine is in its third year.

Approaching the summit of theNATO of July 2024 which must be held in Washington, they say % in this decade”,”text”:”concerned and deeply disappointed that Canada’s most recent projections indicate that it will not meet its 2% commitment in this decade”}}” >concerned and deeply disappointed that Canada’s most recent projections indicate it will not meet its 2% commitment this decade.

Without a change in direction from Canada, senators believe that the sustainability of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) would be threatened. They emphasize that the NORAD is also in great need of modernization, a process that can only progress with direct cooperation [du gouvernement canadien].



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