Creation of the 13th Territorial Professional Community of -Atlantique: the CPTS Grand Ouest

Creation of the 13th Territorial Professional Community of -Atlantique: the CPTS Grand Ouest
Creation of the 13th Territorial Professional Community of Loire-Atlantique: the CPTS Nantes Grand Ouest

A health project adapted to the needs of the population

Since September 2022, around a hundred professionals have joined forces to co-build the CPTS Grand Ouest and draft a health project whose leitmotif is the strengthening of interprofessional coordination, for the benefit of improving management of population health.

After carrying out a diagnosis to propose relevant actions, in line with the reality on the ground, the signing of the financing contract with the CPAM of -Atlantique and the ARS of Pays-de-la-Loire on October 15, 2024 allows the CPTS Nantes Grand Ouest to decline the different aspects of its project. The CPTS Nantes Grand Ouest extends from the western districts of Nantes to the municipalities of Couëron, Indre and Saint-Herblain, and covers a population area of ​​175,000 inhabitants. As of October, the association has more than 140 members.

Areas of work aimed at improving access and organization of care, prevention and support for health professionals

  • Improve access to care
    • Facilitate access to the attending physician for priority patients
    • Improve the management of unscheduled care for patients who do not have a doctor in the area
    • Facilitate access to paramedical professionals and specialists
  • Improving care pathways
    • Elderly people
    • Children aged 0 to 6 with neurodevelopmental disorders
    • Between the city and the hospital
  • Organize prevention actions
    • Standardize and optimize the relay of public health campaigns
    • Promote healthy eating and physical activity
    • Referring patients who are victims of violence
  • Organize a serious health crisis management plan
  • Supporting local health professionals
    • Promote mutual knowledge
    • Improve communication and coordination between professionals
    • Preserving the health of caregivers

A collective of professionals committed to formulating a coordinated response to the health needs of the population

Territorial professional health communities (CTPS) are organizations supported by health professionals and stakeholders in a defined territory. Their aim is to provide responses to the health needs of the population they cover, and to support the practice of professionals who practice in their territory of intervention.

Support from the ARS of and the CPAM of Loire-Atlantique

Beyond the assistance provided for the financing of this structure, the ARS and the CPAM are available to project leaders in the launch of their community and the implementation of their actions: connection with local stakeholders related to health, support for project development, transmission of statistical data, communication with health professionals, communication or marketing support if necessary.

The CPTS Nantes Grand Ouest in figures and its territory

  • 3 entire municipalities Saint-Herblain, Indre and Couëron as well as 29 of the 98 IRIS districts from the city of Nantes (INSEE division, 1 IRIS district ≈ 2,000 inhabitants)
  • A population pool of 175 000 habitants
  • Environ 1,400 liberal healthcare professionals approved on the territory (professions whose care is reimbursed by Health Insurance)



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