immersion in the heart of a new video surveillance center in

immersion in the heart of a new video surveillance center in
immersion in the heart of a new video surveillance center in Yvelines


Manon Varaldo

Published on

Oct 20, 2024 at 11:15 a.m.

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Station, parking lot, or even infrastructures frequented by the public… Several places and facilities in () and Clayes-sous- (Yvelines) are visible on the screens of the urban supervision center (CSU). Based within the intercommunal municipal police (SI3PC) effective since July 2023, this CSU has been operational for three months.

These cameras film and record 24/7

44 cameras are installed in these municipalities, and three more points must arrive by the end of the year. They film 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, live, and have a recording capacity of 30 days.

At the urban supervision center, Cyril G. view in real time the images captured by the cameras with another operator.

“I look at these images and see if there are any abnormal facts. When I look at an image in detail, I can be challenged by another because on the screen the red line shows the movements and the green line indicates the trajectory of the individual or an object,” explains this municipal police officer and chief room of the urban supervision center.

Operators can control each camera, 360°et zoomsday and night. “I can read this panel perfectly or zoom in on a clothing detail. It’s clear thanks to the fiber network,” shows Cyril G. The license plates can also be clearly visible.

Videos: currently on Actu

“The objective is to fight against incivility in the region and to bring tranquility to the inhabitants of Plaisir and Clayes-sous-Bois. »

Cyril G., municipal police officer and head of the urban supervision center

Several interventions

He shares his latest interventions. “In the parking lot near the Fournier school, near the Peupliers stadium, a gathering was held. players were playing their third half in this parking lot. We went to see. Also, the field teams indicate to the operators certain interventions so that we can control, he recalls. Young people aged 12/14 were seen pouring bottles of alcohol into bottles of Fanta. A team was sent to the field. »

Be more responsive

“Thanks to this new urban supervision center, the operators are active and we can engage a brigade directly on site if necessary. These images allow law enforcement to‘intervene immediately in the event of an infraction, a crime on the public highway or drug trafficking. We work with the services of the police station on certain investigations,” indicates David Désirée, director of the intercommunal municipal police of Plaisir – Les Clayes-sous-Bois.

Cost: 1.9 million

The cost of this operation was 1.9 million euros over three years. “This amount includes the cameras, the renovation of the premises where the urban supervision center is located, but also the screens, ergonomic desks and chairs for the operators because viewing takes a long time. They needed working comfort,” says Adeline Guilleux, deputy mayor, delegate for prevention and security.

Municipal police officers wanted

An essential tool in the prevention of delinquency, video protection has been present on Plaisir for several years since the first cameras date from 2005. “They have all been renovated,” underlines Adeline Guilleux.

The recruitment of two operators is hoped for at CSU.

The municipal police are experiencing recruitment difficulties, but hope to increase their numbers. “Currently there are 23 of us. Our objective is to have 28 municipal police officers by the end of the year, confides the director of the intercommunal municipal police of Plaisir – Les Clayes-sous-Bois. Depending on recruitment, we will extend the time slots of municipal police officers. »

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