the postwoman attacked by a dog in the Landes testifies

the postwoman attacked by a dog in the Landes testifies
the postwoman attacked by a dog in the Landes testifies

Che date of October 8 will remain forever engraved in the memory of Christelle Bisbau, postwoman for twenty-two years. A nightmarish day when she was violently attacked by a dog on public property, while she was on her tour. This Landeses resident in Saint-Jean-de-Marsacq “saw herself die”.

Seriously injured and psychologically traumatized, she agreed to receive the editorial staff of “Sud Ouest” to tell the story of this drama. With his words, his pain, his anger, and also the hope that justice will bring him a little comfort to rebuild his life. Helped by her crutches to get around, she is awaiting another surgical procedure in the days to come.

Christelle Bisbau was attacked on October 8, while she was on her tour. She was seriously injured and is awaiting further surgery.

A. G.

Can you tell us how the attack took place?

It is a subdivision around a roundabout where the owner’s house is located. That day, I didn’t have any mail for him, so I went to the neighbors. Then I heard the dog barking. As I was leaving, I heard the dog’s owner shout, whom I saw arriving. I tried to ride my moped around, and even jump. But I didn’t have time, because the animal grabbed my leg. He returned to the charge three times.

Who intervened to stop the hound?

The owner came right away and hit him with his motorcycle helmet, but the dog wouldn’t let go of me and stayed clinging to my leg. He didn’t manage to control him, he jumped on me again and grabbed my arm. Which brought me down. I then rolled up into a ball, with my back to the animal, to protect my neck. I was convinced that if he caught me there, I wouldn’t make it. The dog pulled me by the arm and dragged me to the ground with incredible force. Five neighbors arrived to try to control him. They had a board to get him off me. They didn’t succeed.

Who took care of you?

A neighbor came to my aid when the dog let go of me and sheltered me in her house. She gave me first aid while on the phone with the firefighters. They arrived quickly, as did the police. I was then transported to the Aguilera clinic in , where I underwent surgery immediately.

What was the diagnosis made by the doctors who took care of you?

I have four fang marks on my right wrist. I have a big scar on my left arm. The big problem is with my left leg, which was operated on. The surgeon stitched it up with what little skin was left. I saw him again this week, the news is not very good. He had to remove the skins that were supposed to hold on my leg, for which I lost feeling. The wound is tearing, the stitches are popping, nothing is holding and I’m headed for a skin graft. My son takes pictures of my scar every day and it’s getting worse. I’m on morphine all the time. I’m not usually very medicated, but here I have no choice.

“Behind the gate, with each of my passages, he became more and more threatening”

How long is your work stoppage?

The doctor at the clinic prescribed me fifteen days, which is already a lot. I will see the medical examiner next Tuesday (October 22, Editor’s note), it is he who will decide the number of days of ITT that I will have. But first, I will have to go back to the operating table.

Morally, are you holding up?

It’s very complicated. I am a dynamic person and I have to stay at home doing nothing. It’s my 16 year old boys who cook, shop and do the rest. Then there are nightmares every night. I see the scene again. I tell myself that if people hadn’t intervened, I would have passed. This reminds me of a case in which a pregnant lady was killed by a dog, I too could have been. This dog could have eaten me whole. I did not have the strength to fight against an animal of this stature and furious, that five people – I repeat – could not control.

Have you previously noticed any dangerous signals with this dog?

Behind the gate, with each of my passages, he became more and more threatening, very aggressive, but I was not suspicious, because the gate is very imposing. I spoke to him and asked him ”why are you doing this, I’ve never done anything to you, calm down”. Despite everything, he continued to be more and more aggressive. When I arrived, I heard him screaming from afar.

How did this hound escape from his property?

Someone opened the gate, the dog knew I was in the neighborhood and he jumped on me.

Did the dog attack people who came to help you?

He only attacked me. I was his target and he wanted to kill me.

Was the animal’s owner informed of this behavior?

I told him: “If your dog goes out, he will kill me. » But he laughed in my face.

Have you ever had problems with dogs?

I had never experienced the slightest attack from a dog before. It’s the first time.

“My boss took my bloody shoes and cleaned them. He told me the scene was worthy of a horror film.”

What action did you take following this attack?

I filed a complaint with the police. I know there is an investigation underway.

Have you received training for this risk in carrying out your job?

I was lucky enough to have completed the “canine risks” training. I think I was saved by this knowledge and my survival instinct. It is desirable that all postmen follow this training and I have asked my superiors that all new hires be trained in this type of risk. This training is extremely important.

Has your employer, La Poste, provided you with any particular support?

Officials came to the scene of the attack and struggled to come to terms with it as chunks of flesh and blood littered the ground. My boss picked up my bloody shoes and cleaned them. He told me the scene was worthy of a horror movie. My colleagues were also very shocked. My employer will file a complaint, as is the case in dog attack situations.

I was able to count on significant support from my family, my friends and also from all of my work colleagues, who got in touch by phone, SMS or by visiting me. This support is essential to me.

Do you plan to return to your job?

I hope so, yes. With support if possible. I know it will be complicated, but I am stronger than that.

“This dog must be euthanized”

Named Tyson, this American bully was impounded for a period of two weeks, during which he must undergo tests and, also, a behavioral assessment carried out by a veterinarian. The results should be released within a few days. He will then either be returned to his owners or euthanized. The postwoman continues: “I repeat, I almost died. This dog is dangerous, dangerous for my colleagues, dangerous for passers-by in the street, dangerous for other dogs because he already attacked another one and tore it to shreds. In my opinion, this dog must be euthanized. »
Coming from a cross with a pitbull, this breed does not require owners to have a keeping license.
Tyson would not be his first attack. “This dog, which had already bitten other animals on several occasions, displays very aggressive behavior, but it is not “categorized” (classified as dangerous) according to the legislation in force,” we can read in a press release from the City of Bénesse-Maremne, published on Facebook. The mayor, Jean-François Monet, had contacted the owner “several times to express the concerns and fear felt by the neighborhood”.

Dogs of the American Bully breed are crossed with Pit Bulls.

Dogs of the American Bully breed are crossed with Pit Bulls.

Illustration SO

Shocking images

Our editorial team had access to images attesting to Christelle Bisbau’s injuries when she was taken care of by emergency services. Images that bear witness to incredible violence. Given their shocking nature, we have decided not to publish them. They show a leg completely shredded at the calf with a large piece of skin hanging off. His arms were not spared, either, revealing significant wounds, again with skin tissue torn deep down.



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