Savoy. Three hikes around Chambéry to enjoy the sunny days

Savoy. Three hikes around Chambéry to enjoy the sunny days
Savoy. Three hikes around Chambéry to enjoy the sunny days


Benjamin Forant

Published on

May 23, 2024 at 5:59 p.m.

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Savoie is a department where there is no shortage of outdoor activities. As summer approaches, News Savoie offers you three walks/hikes around Chamberywith different levels of difficulty to enjoy your rest days.

The Coche cross

For this hike, it is possible to leave from Chambéry or Saint-Baldoph. By reaching this cross, you will be able to take a look at the Chartreuse aux Bauges and the valley that surrounds it.

After a climb of moderate difficulty and 3h30 of effort, you will arrive at the end of your journey and you will have a magnificent panorama of Mont Saint Michel, Galoppaz and the Massif de Belledonne.

La Galoppaz

5 hours of effort, 640 meters of positive elevation gain. The so-called Galoppaz hike is far from being the most obvious. You will enjoy a magnificent view of the Chambéry valley.

Concretely, you will go around the summit which is recognized by its pyramidal shape. “The hike begins quietly in the protective shade of the forest. But after the warm-up, the serious things begin and you will need endurance for the fairly steep climb that follows,” specifies the Chambéry Montagnes website.

The Doria waterfall

Finally, the Doria waterfall loop is a short walk that will take you just over an hour. Departing from Saint-Jean-d’Arvey and for a distance of 2 kilometers, walk under the trees to the magnificent waterfall.

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