Reunion Islanders “significantly penalized” compared to French people in France

Reunion Islanders “significantly penalized” compared to French people in France
Reunion Islanders “significantly penalized” compared to French people in France

A publication produced by France Stratégie, an independent public body, confirms that people born in Reunion are penalized in the world of work compared to their compatriots in France.

Written by NP – Thursday May 23, 2024 at 7:43 a.m.

France Stratégie, an institution reporting to the Prime Minister, published an analysis note on the “significant penalty” for natives of the Antilles and Reunion Island in terms of “ educational and professional opportunities in relation to » to people born in France.

The analysis note indicates that with a comparable social origin, the Reunion Islanders who remained on the island have a rate of higher education graduates lower by 24.6 points, an employment rate lower by 13.4 points and a proportion of frames less important at 34.2 points.

Reunion Islanders who are more successful in France

The gap in terms of education, employment rate and level of position held for natives returning to Reunion Island compared to people born in France is smaller.

Reunion residents living in mainland France even have an employment rate higher than the reference average for natives of France.

In all cases, Reunion Islanders returning to the island or those still on the continent more often have higher education diplomas than those who have never left the department.

However, this advantage obtained by skipping the sea is lost once the suitcases are put back at home. Returning natives, despite a much higher rate of higher education graduates, have an employment rate almost identical to that of those who never left (around 65%).

The analysis reveals, however, that having obtained a higher diploma in France can be beneficial. Returning natives reach the top of the hierarchy much more than sedentary natives (around 6 points difference)

Overall, the penalty for natives remaining overseas regarding access to employment is explained above all by fewer local opportunities.“, indicate the editors of the analysis note.




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