Cholera at the heart of a conference at the SantExpo fair in Paris

Cholera at the heart of a conference at the SantExpo fair in Paris
Cholera at the heart of a conference at the SantExpo fair in Paris

The health tension experienced by the 101st department is at the heart of the debates this Wednesday, May 22 at the SantExpo exhibition which is currently being held in Paris. Professionals from the medico-social world were invited to Porte de Versailles Hall 7.3 to participate in the conference entitled “Cholera in Mayotte, all-terrain crisis management”.

“Cholera in Mayotte, all-terrain crisis management”, the title of a conference this Wednesday, May 22 at the SantExpo Porte de Versailles show in Paris. While cases of cholera continue to increase more than 8,000 kilometers away, the discussions were led by Olivier BRAHIC, the general director of ARS Mayotte, Jean-Mathieu DEFOUR, the general director of the Mayotte Hospital Center as well as ‘El Habib ISMAEL the Vice-President of URPS Nurses.

According to the latest bulletin from the Mayotte Regional Health Agency, since the appearance of the disease in the territory, 94 people have been affected by cholera, as of May 21, four cases are still active. Through this conference, the objective for the ARS and the Mayotte hospital was to explain the reality of cholera in Mayotte. An illness linked to hygiene while cuts continue in Mayotte.

Access to water is fundamental, as long as we practice correct hand hygiene and drink clean water, the issue of cholera is resolved. The water ramps that were implemented during the water crisis are still active. There we have a plan for an engineer with the water union and in liaison with the communities to reinforce these water ramps in areas where we know that access to water is not good.

Olivier BRAHIC, general director of ARS Mayotte

comments collected at the microphone of our overseas colleagues La 1ère

In addition to this conference, in a context where the Mahorean health system suffers from a severe lack of health professionals, the primary objective for the ARS and the CHM at the show is to recruit.

Human resources are very tight because we are not at all attractive compared to other departments, we really have essential support which is the health reserve, Public Health France which provides us, on average we have a minimum of twenty caregivers present on the site. hospital either for the maternity ward or for the cholera units.

Jean-Mathieu Defour, general director of the Mayotte hospital center

comments collected at the microphone of our overseas colleagues La 1ère

Apart from the CHM, 54 volunteers from the health reserve are specifically mobilized on the ground for cholera. Public Health France is also calling for the mobilization of new health reservists to replace those whose mission is about to end.




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