Fribourg: Scholarships will be more accessible

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The Grand Council agreed on Wednesday to revise upwards the packages used to calculate study grants.

In calculating scholarships, the State uses maintenance and housing packages from the beginning of the century. © Aldo Ellena

In calculating scholarships, the State uses maintenance and housing packages from the beginning of the century. © Aldo Ellena

Published on 05/22/2024

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

The amount allocated to scholarships will be increased to take into account the increase in the cost of living. This Wednesday, the Friborg Grand Council largely followed the proposal contained in the motion by Marie Levrat (ps, Vuadens) and Savio Michellod (plr, Granges), also supported by the Council of State.

The maintenance and housing packages used to calculate study grants are in fact based on figures dating from 2003 and 2006. Consequence: the number of beneficiaries continues to decrease. “Today, you almost have to be on social assistance to benefit from a scholarship,” laments Marie Levrat. Adapting the packages will cost the State around 4 million francs per year out of a current budget of around 11 million. As it does not require legal modification, it will be taken into account in establishing the 2025 budget.

Promote integration

The circle of beneficiaries will also be extended to asylum seekers admitted provisionally (F permit) as well as to people benefiting from protection status (S permit). For Savio Michellod, it is an “intelligent strategy” to promote integration and respond to the shortage of personnel encountered in many professional sectors.

“If we organize ourselves a little, things will be great”
Carole Baschung

This aspect of the motion was contested. For the UDC, the budget allocated to immigration is already sufficient. On behalf of a majority of the PLR, Sophie Moura (Riaz) declares that priority must go to people who have a residence permit and a certain stability. But the proposal passed the ramp. It was accepted in the vote by 58 votes to 38. The Council of State was also in favor of this enlargement. He calculated that this additional expense should reach 1.5 million francs.


The movers made two other proposals. They asked that from a certain age, the financial situation of the parents no longer influences the granting of a scholarship. “A single mother aged 38 should be able to obtain a scholarship without taking into account her parents’ salary,” believes Marie Levrat. The two deputies also wanted people over 40 to also be able to access a study grant, whereas currently only a repayable loan can be granted to them. For François Ingold (Greens and Allies, Fribourg), times are changing. “There are atypical paths that must be supported. The varied profiles are an enrichment for a class,” he maintains.

But both of these proposals were rejected. For Marc Fahrni (udc, Le Crêt), it is not “outdated” to ask parents for their contribution, regardless of the age of the child. And he believes that scholarships should be granted for initial training. “Changes of direction are frequent and must be assumed by those who want to take on new challenges.” Carole Baschung (center, Murten) also believes that reconciling studies, family and professional life is possible. “If we organize ourselves a little, things will be great,” she says. And she was heard.



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