4 hours to do Saint-Etienne/

4 hours to do Saint-Etienne/
4 hours to do Saint-Etienne/Lyon

In the : the Gier one meter higher than in 2008

In the Loire, the Pélussin weather station recorded a cumulative rainfall of 223.5 millimeters over the entire episode. This is the highest total recorded in the department this week, ahead of the Saint-Sauveur-en-Rue station (193.6 millimeters), Bourg-Argental (166.4 millimeters) and Graix (131.1 millimeters).

On the rivers, the Gier reached its flood peak at Rive-de-Gier on Thursday October 17 at 2 p.m., with a height of 4.48 meters (largely exceeding the previous record established at this station at 3, 47 meters during the flood of November 2008) and a start of 377.1 m3 per second.

At the level of the Loire river, the flood was smoothed by the Grangent dam. In Montrond-les-Bains, the flood peak was reached on Friday October 18 at 3:05 a.m. with 4.90 meters, thus remaining below December 2003 (4.95 meters) and November 2008 (5.39 meters).

In Haute-Loire: more than 350 millimeters in Estables

In Haute-Loire, the Estables weather station accumulated 359.2 millimeters of precipitation over the entire episode. This is the eighth station with the highest total nationally. At the department level, this is where the episode was strongest, ahead of the stations of Saint-Jeures (183 millimeters) and Tence (181.4 millimeters).

The flood was exceptional on the Loire River upstream of Puy-en-Velay: 6.60 meters in Goudet on Thursday October 17 at 11 a.m. (compared to 5.16 meters during the flood of November 2008). In Chadrac, on the other hand, the Loire rose to 7.49 meters on Thursday October 17 at 2 p.m. and did not exceed its level of November 2008 (7.64 meters). A situation which can be explained by the fact that the tributaries on the left bank have not suffered from flooding.

The Lignon suffered a historic flood: 5.58 meters on Thursday October 17 at 12 p.m., more than 2 meters above the level of November 2008 (3.40 meters). La Dunière, for its part, suffered a major flood but below its maximum: 2.71 meters on Thursday October 17 at 3 p.m. in Vaubarlet (compared to 2.91 meters during the flood of November 2008).



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