Three new aldermen, the CPAS for the Committed: Woluwe-Saint-Lambert unveils its new college

Three new aldermen, the CPAS for the Committed: Woluwe-Saint-Lambert unveils its new college
Three new aldermen, the CPAS for the Committed: Woluwe-Saint-Lambert unveils its new college

It was finally with the Engagés, already a majority partner under the previous legislature, that the mayor decided to seal an agreement.

Less than a week after the election, the new college has just been formed. olivier maingain will keep the skills linked to the mayor, namely the police but will also take care of public security, prevention, personnel management, teaching, culture, participatory democracy, public relations, supervision of the CPAS as well as the integration of municipal services and the CPAS.

By his side, Delphine De Valkeneer returns and becomes First Alderwoman, in charge of town planning and environmental permits, nurseries and early childhood, economic expansion, commerce, employment and the redevelopment plan for Avenue George Henry. Eric Bott is also renewed and keeps its skills, namely sports and youth, community life as well as relations with the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

Jacqueline Destrée will keep the civil status alderman responsible for the population, citizens of foreign nationality and the family. Also extended, Philippe Jacquemyns will be in charge of the management of public space, international solidarity and relations with citizens of the European Union. Gregory Matthewn, already an alderman, remains responsible for mobility, the environment and sustainable development, strategic planning, housing, management of municipal heritage and properties and animal welfare.

Three new aldermen are joining the college. Tamara Liénart will be in charge of Dutch-speaking affairs, Charles Six will take care of social affairs, seniors and PRMs, health and pensions. Michael Loriauxas supernumerary alderman, receives the aldermanship of finance, budget, new technologies, legal affairs and public procurement, equal opportunities and the fight against discrimination.

The only representative of the Engaged within the college, Jean-François Thayer will no longer sit there as an alderman. He will be appointed, at the municipal council meeting on December 1st, president of the CPAS.



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