MAP. Halloween: 7 haunted places in the and Pas-de-

QWhether one believes in the paranormal or not, ghosts, spirits and, most importantly, haunted houses have always been part of the local history of towns and cities. -Pas-de- is no exception.

The Calais lighthouse

Since 2007, visitors and employees have reported sightings and noises in the Calais lighthouse. Footsteps, wet handprints on one of the steps, even the appearance of a white veil have not discouraged the many ghost hunters and mediums who hope to come across a little boy who may have drowned in proximity or the wife of a former lighthouse keeper…

The hanged man’s house, Loon-Plage

This house is close to and built not far from the dunes at a place called Le Clipon. Legend has it that the house was never fully built because its owner hanged himself inside after discovering that his wife had cheated on him. Other rumors have spread about the house, such as the story of a child who died within its walls, or speculation about what happened when the Germans took it as a strategic position during the Second War. worldwide.

The haunted house of Grande-Synthe

This house is one of the most haunted sites in . In 1985, a family spoke of unexplained noises on the garage door, paintings flying off the walls, furniture moving on its own and fires starting spontaneously in a newly built house on Che Guevara Square. The family called the police and even the priest, but nothing helped. Rumor had it that it was the family, originally from Tunisia, who was cursed and not the house. When they moved, more than 13 years later, no one ever reported anything like that again…

Notre-Dame Church, Nesles

In 1965, a rumor spread that the Notre-Dame church, located in this village near Neufchâtel-Hardelot, was haunted. Residents heard the organ playing even though the church was closed and no one was there. Other witnesses also reported seeing a white figure, possibly a woman.

Château de Steenbourg, Steene

Legend has it that the ghost of a little girl who died in the grounds of Steenbourg Castle around 1850 regularly appears or speaks. In 1968, the former owner of the castle, located between Bergues and Spycker, claimed to have found knives stuck in a beam of the fireplace. And on December 26, 1970, on the snowy ground, children’s footprints were found all around the manor, with no entrance or exit to the moat…

The Mentque-Nortbécourt farm

In this village near Saint-Omer, everyone knows what address we are talking about when we talk about the haunted house. Flying oranges, overturning chairs, even the mayor has reportedly witnessed strange phenomena, including an egg on the back of his neck! Despite a visit from an exorcist, the owners ended up moving after the municipality found them a new home.

The house in ruins, Hoymille

Located near the ramparts of Bergues, this house in Hoymille – named “Maison du Fort Lapin” – is cited by numerous sites and blogs as being haunted. Paranormal phenomena or unexplained deaths, speculation is rife even if the house is in ruins. Owned by the army in the 1930s, the land was then sold to build a mansion on the foundations of the old fort. It was demolished in 2023.




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