Floods in . Be careful, the water is no longer drinkable in five cities!

Floods in . Be careful, the water is no longer drinkable in five cities!
Floods in Gard. Be careful, the water is no longer drinkable in five cities!


Maxence Dourlen

Published on

Oct 18, 2024 at 3:12 p.m.

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Be vigilant if you live in one of the five municipalities concerned. This Friday, October 18, 2024, Alès Agglomération warns the population following the Cévennes episode of very high rain intensity and the floods which affected the department: this made the drinking water unfit for consumption for reasons of turbidity (turbid water exceeding standards) in five municipalities: Branoux-les-Taillades, Concoules, Génolhac, Grand Combeet Les-Salles-du-Gardon.

Strongly not recommended to use tap water

Faced with this observation, the Agglomeration advises against, in these five municipalities, “ consume water, to brush THE dents or from prepare food.”

Several measures were quickly put in place by the Alès urban water authority (REAAL):

  • Of the analyses regular water (every day, weekends included) in the municipalities concerned;
  • The establishment (on the evening of Thursday October 17) of a drinking water tank with a capacity of 12,000 liters in the town of La Grand-Combe, self-service (medical center parking);
  • Delivery of more than 30,000 bottles water intended for the population.
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Bottles of water provided

From now on, residents can contact their town hall to find out the terms of distribution of bottled drinking water.

“The provision of bottled water (and filling of the tank) will continue throughout this episode of deterioration in the quality of drinking water,” reassures Alès Agglo.

Theback to normal will be reported to the population by the REAAL “as soon as possible”.

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