four mayors of -Atlantique call on the State

four mayors of -Atlantique call on the State
four mayors of Loire-Atlantique call on the State

There are four mayors of municipalities in -Atlantique concerned who are calling on the State after the announcement of a safeguard plan at General Electric on the and Saint-Nazaire sites.

It is the duty of the State to take responsibility insist local elected officials in a letter addressed, Wednesday October 16, 2024, to the Minister of Ecological Transition, Energy and Climate and to that of Economy, Finance and Industry.

► ALSO READ. “A total betrayal”: at General Electric a walkout to express anger in Loire-Atlantique

Johanna Rolland, president of Nantes Métropole, David Samzun, president of Saint-Nazaire agglomeration, Bertrand Affilé, mayor of Saint-Herblain, and Thierry Noguet, mayor of Montoir-de-Bretagne, signed this letter. The difficulties encountered at the moment by GE but also by other industrial players in the sector demonstrate that, without proactive action from the State to support French industry, it will find itself in great fragility, exposed to Asian competition which is breaking down. prices and will thus weaken our sovereignty they write.

“We need national locomotives”

The first four city councilors explain that the industry has need for national locomotives . They are, according to them, essential to penetrate the very competitive European and global wind power market, but also to ensure the role of drive belt .

► ALSO READ. Industry in Loire-Atlantique: the CGT denounces the government’s financial guidelines
For example, they propose to pace the development of new French wind farms or to favor local production.



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