a street couple joins a squat in Briançon

a street couple joins a squat in Briançon
a street couple joins a squat in Briançon

Due to a lack of solutions, a couple joined the squat at the old Briançon bowling alley, after being evicted from their HLM.

They could never have imagined finding themselves in this situation. At 38 years old, Philippe and Cecilia have just found refuge in the new squat of the former Briançon bowling alley, municipal property, after receiving an outstretched hand from activists already there.

More than a choice, for them it is an obligation to avoid ending up on the street: “We were evicted from our HLM on Thursday October 10 because the neighbors were complaining about our dogs, we slept for two nights at the solidarity shelter and we can’t find a solution, the CCAS has nothing for us.”

Rents too high?

The couple denounces, among other things, a real estate market which “is becoming too expensive”. They point the finger at a municipality that, according to them, wants to make Briançon “a city of the rich”.

According to Cecilia, born in Briançon, it is now impossible to find a T4 at an affordable price, rents have increased too much: “There is no more mutual aid, no more equality in . Here, in Briançon, we cannot find of T4 below 1200 euros per month, a social worker told us that she did not want to help us.

In Briançon, thousands of homes are empty: 2,500 empty homes were recorded by INSEE in Briançonnais in 2020. Among those that are occupied, 60% are second homes, and speculation around tourism is reducing housing prospects .

“We are all suffering from capitalist violence, the monopolization of the mountains for the benefit of a few rich people,” denounce the activists of the former bowling alley in a press release, referring to the luxury chalets and the organization of the Olympic Games in winter of 2030, an “ecocidal delirium” according to them.

“The border and the state continue to plunge thousands of people into poverty.” And added: “We want to make it a self-managed space where meetings and activities flourish, open to all those who would like to stop by, sit down for a coffee, or get involved.”

The town hall denounces the occupation of the bowling alley

Residents and the municipality do not see things the same way. A resident believes that Philippe and Cecilia “must do like everyone else, there is no reason for them to be housed for free.”

The mayor of Briançon, Arnaud Muriga, had for his part already condemned the illegal occupation of activists at the old bowling alley.

Eviction proceedings were initiated by the city almost a year after the evacuation of another squat, that of young shoots, by the police. The help of the prefect of Hautes-Alpes was requested.

At this stage, the municipality did not wish to comment on the situation of Philippe and Cecilia.

Jérémy Cazaux and Maïwenn Furic



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