Seine-et-Marne: a man tasered after shouting “Allah akbar”, knife in hand, in the city center

Seine-et-Marne: a man tasered after shouting “Allah akbar”, knife in hand, in the city center
Seine-et-Marne: a man tasered after shouting “Allah akbar”, knife in hand, in the city center


Editorial The Republic of Seine and Marne

Published on

May 19, 2024 at 10:56 a.m.

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It was around 9:25 a.m. this Sunday, May 19 in the morning that a merchant on Avenue Jean Jaurès, in Brou-sur-Chantereine, in the north of Seine-et-Marne, called the police. And for good reason, a man shouted “ God is great » in front of his store, all with a knife in hand.

Tased, then arrested

Three police crews then went to the scene and quickly found the individual in question, who had fled. The latter refusing to surrender and continuing to shout “Allah akbar”, he was tasered. The police having in fact seen a protuberance below his djellaba, which ultimately turns out to be the knife he already had in his hand previously.

The man was then arrested by the police and could be the subject of a psychiatric examination to determine his mental state at the time of the events.

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