Paid $362,000 to spit on us

Paid $362,000 to spit on us
Paid $362,000 to spit on us

Do you find it humiliating that Governor General Mary Simon does not speak French?

Wait until you know what her husband thinks!

The prince consort, who lives off taxpayers’ money, finds that the reports of the Journal on his wife, it’s “a bunch of bullshit”!

We pay his wife $362,000 a year for him to come and spit on us?

Monarchical parasites

Friday, on Facebook, Whit Fraser, former journalist at CBC, published a very long text to complain (Bouhouhou) about the (nasty) Quebec media who attack his (poor little) (defenseless) wife who does not speak as English and Inuktitut.

However, this experienced journalist should defend the right to information!

My colleague Vincent Desbiens wrote in The Journal of September 25: “Three years after taking office where she had promised to learn French, the Governor General of Canada, Mary Simon, conversed almost only in English during a discreet visit to a community organization of Lévis.” He was only doing his job as a journalist.

But for Mr. Fraser, The Journal “brought a knife rather than a pen” to the coverage of this event at the Le Grenier food counter in Lévis. Oh well, reporters are not transmission belts for the good works of the GG! My colleagues in the field are not there to pamper the public relations of the king’s representative!

M. Fraser accuse The Journal of having “searched for the lowest rotten fruit in the bin” while reporting that Simon could say nothing more than “Hello, are you okay?”.

That’s what journalists are for, Mr. Fraser, you should know that! It digs, it digs, it’s not satisfied with the official version. You surely know the famous expression of the journalist Albert Londres: “Our job is not to please, nor to do harm, it is to rub the pen in the wound.”

And the fact that we paid $28,000 for 182 hours of French lessons for Mary Simon and that it was for NOTHING, yes it’s a shame!

Mr. Fraser is angry that The Journal published the results of the Léger poll which showed that “71% of Quebecers consider it “unacceptable” that the Governor General cannot speak French some three years after her appointment.” A survey should have been done to ask indigenous people if they were shocked that none of the governors general of the last thirty years spoke an indigenous language.

But there are only two official languages ​​in the country!

Spoiled baby!

Mr. Fraser is a spoiled baby who complains with his mouth full. He is housed, fed and washed, at the expense of Canadian taxpayers, at Rideau Hall, the official residence of the Governor General, a 175-room palace. When Simon retires, she will receive $150,000 per year, tax-free. If Mme Simon dies before Mr. Fraser, he will receive her pension!

And it’s this guy who comes to lecture us and talk to us about “bullshit”?!

I wrote to Whit Fraser over the weekend to request an interview with him on 99.5 FM. His response: “No thanks. Nothing more to say. Nothing to add. Nothing to deny

I’m surprised he didn’t answer me in Inuktitut.



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