The Gueules Rouges festival ignites the Gard

The Gueules Rouges festival ignites the Gard
The Gueules Rouges festival ignites the Gard

VSEvery year, our festival expands and renews itself to share culture with audiences of all ages. », Announces Guillaume Marot enthusiastically. The organizer of Gueules Rouges is impatient: this year, the festival is evolving and opting for a longer format, two days of concerts to take advantage of this late spring musical burst a little more. The festival is also paying, 10 euros for the weekend pass and 5 euros for the evening pass, a price which remains affordable and continues to embody the organization’s commitment to advocating ” culture for all “.

The program is intended to be very eclectic, since on Saturday, singers like Cali and Faustine will share the stage with the local group Akèstéko, with Balkan rock influences. On Sunday, it will be the turn of the hardcore punk group Tagada Jones to ignite the stage, followed by the group Cacchemire. Clara Sanchez and her accordion will close the event on a poetic note. “ Six carefully selected groups will ignite the esplanade to keep the public dancing until the end of the night », explains Guillaume Marot.

Artistic afternoons

Throughout the festival, the public is invited to adhere to the values ​​of exchange and solidarity advocated by the Gueules Rouges organization. The associations of Cimade, Nicar’Agua, SMS and even Clede will have their stands to receive the curious and numerous activities will be offered to address the ” crucial themes » such as solidarity, the fight against harassment, addictions or even eco-citizenship.

In addition, local artisans will be able to display their work at a local market: candles, clothing, jewelry and much more. “ In addition to strolling through our small market of local products or traders, it is possible to participate in initiations and discover street arts throughout the day, thus embodying our commitment to culture for all. “, smiles Guillaume Marot.

During the day, demonstrations and initiations will punctuate the festival. The All’Style association will give hip-hop lessons. The art of graffiti will be presented by the Art’Attack association, which also introduces people to plastic and graphic arts. The Salto will complete this proposal with circus workshops. Art for all ages.



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