Assessment of bad weather in Hérault: several garages flooded, a campsite evacuated

Assessment of bad weather in Hérault: several garages flooded, a campsite evacuated
Assessment of bad weather in Hérault: several garages flooded, a campsite evacuated


Metropolitan Editorial

Published on

May 18, 2024 at 10:53 a.m.
; updated May 18, 2024 at 10:56 a.m.

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Rapidly rising waters, hail and strong gusts of wind… The department of Hérault suffered the full brunt of a fairly intense stormy episode during the night from this Friday 17 to this Saturday 18 Mayforcing firefighters to intervene several times.

Several garages flooded

Due to heavy rainfall, several residents of the department had their garages flooded in the middle of the night, such as in the town of Quarante, avenue de la Gare, and Neffiès, chemin de Pioch Rastel. This time, it was not just a garage, but an entire house, which suffered the full brunt of the flooding, around 2:30 a.m.

A campsite evacuated

Another significant intervention, during which the Hérault firefighters did not, however, have to intervene: the evacuation of the municipal campsite, in Vacquerie-et-Saint-Martin-de-Castries, a small town located to the north of the department, in the Hauts Cantons.

Following the intense rains, three people in tents reported the difficult situation in which they found themselves. The evacuation took place at the request of the mayor, Martine Baïsset.

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