The “Senegal 2050” framework, a national agenda for systemic transformation, was officially launched yesterday, Monday October 14, under the presidency of the Head of State Bassirou Diomaye Diakhar Faye. This event brought together technical and financial partners, the private sector, and public institutions. According to the Head of State, this framework, through its four main axes, will serve to sustainably consolidate a united, resilient nation resolutely anchored in modernity, progress and the well-being of each Senegalese.

“With the framework presented and deployed, we must sustainably consolidate a united, resilient nation resolutely anchored in modernity, progress and the well-being of each Senegalese.” These words are from the President of the Republic Bassirou Diomaye Faye who chaired yesterday, Monday October 14, the official launch ceremony of the new “Senegal 2050” National Transformation Agenda. According to him, “This document deeply reflects the ambition to overcome divisions and challenges and to completely revise the classic patterns of the past, which lead to economic stagnation and unacceptable social regression, maintained by vigorously indexed comfort governance, and strongly rejected by populations determined to inevitably change their fate. Bassirou Diomaye Faye finds that it is therefore the time for transcendence, consensus, start and self-sacrifice to establish our sovereignty and release the energies, talents and potential of our Nation. “We must be proud of our Nation. Because we are Senegal: a country of courage, resilience, and solidarity in the face of ordeal. This is why we must do our individual and collective introspection to take back, with confidence, our destiny in hand and put our Senegal back on a trajectory of demands, hopes, performance and progress. This is the whole meaning and relevance of the Senegal 2050 vision,” he maintains. According to the Head of State, this new National Development Strategy is an innovative response to the challenges of Senegal’s systemic transformation. It is based, he continues, on a clear, coherent, ambitious and assumed endogenous vision.


Furthermore, he announces that the systemic transformation of Senegal is based on four key strategic axes. The first axis consists of establishing a competitive and job-creating economy. “We aim to build a diverse, resilient and inclusive economy. This requires the development of our natural resources – whether agricultural, mining, oil or gas – through ambitious industrialization. We will integrate our raw materials into global value chains and transform our wealth locally, in particular through digital technologies and artificial intelligence. The development of viable economic centers, associated with an attractive business framework, will contribute to strengthening the national private sector and diversifying our economy,” he suggested. He announces that a law on economic sovereignty will establish this dynamic, based on a solid and concerted financing strategy with all stakeholders. The second axis is that of sustainability and territorial planning.

For President Diomaye Faye, development will only be viable if it respects and preserves the environment. The third axis concerns the strengthening of human capital and social equity. Investment in education, training and innovation will be at the heart of this transformation. “We will put in place quality education for all, as well as reforms aimed at offering every Senegalese equal opportunities, regardless of their place of residence. Land reform will allow for better distribution of land, while the health system will be modernized to guarantee equitable access to quality care for all, particularly in rural areas. In addition, a national health insurance system will be established to protect each citizen from economic and social hazards, thus reducing inequalities. The Senegal of 2050 will be carried by competent, dynamic and well-prepared youth to respond to the challenges of the modern world,” promises the Head of State. The fourth axis concerns good governance and African commitment. According to the President of the Republic, the overhaul of our institutions is essential to best serve the aspirations of our people. “We will fight corruption hard and we will reform the administration to make it a powerful lever in the service of development. This strengthened governance process will guarantee rigorous management of our resources, ensuring that each action taken contributes to the achievement of our collective objectives. Our pan-African commitment will also be reaffirmed, with a strengthening of cooperation with our African brothers,” he insists.



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