SENEGAL-DEVELOPPEMENT / The ”Senegal 2050” program is based on ”a deep and exhaustive diagnosis of public policies” – Senegalese Press Agency

SENEGAL-DEVELOPPEMENT / The ”Senegal 2050” program is based on ”a deep and exhaustive diagnosis of public policies” – Senegalese Press Agency
SENEGAL-DEVELOPPEMENT / The ”Senegal 2050” program is based on ”a deep and exhaustive diagnosis of public policies” – Senegalese Press Agency

Diamniadio, Oct 14 (APS) – The government carried out “a deep and exhaustive diagnosis of public policies” before developing the national development policy document, reported Monday in Diamniadio (west), the director of planning at the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Cooperation, Cheikh Modou Thiam.

”A deep and exhaustive diagnosis of public policies was needed” before the development of this new development policy for the country, he said, speaking at the presentation of the national development policy document.

The country’s new authorities carried out a deep diagnosis of the Senegalese economy before designing the “Senegal 2050” program, underlined Mr. Thiam.

Over the past years or decades, Senegal has developed an economic model that “does not create much value”, with an increase of only 0.4% in gross domestic product per capita, he noted.

Since its independence, the country has found itself in a vicious circle of debt, he said, noting little change in the Senegalese economic structure.

The companies are mostly small, with a turnover not exceeding 20 million CFA francs, according to Cheikh Modou Thiam.

The jobs created are “informal” for the most part, he observed, noting the low productivity of the national economy.

Highly dependent on foreign countries, Senegal does not have real growth engines, noted Mr. Thiam.

However, the country has opportunities in terms of demography, believes the official from the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Cooperation.

Four out of 10 Senegalese live below the poverty line, he said, advocating the strengthening of the integration of the Senegalese economy with those of other countries in the region.




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