SENEGAL-ECONOMIE-COLLECTIVITIES / Kanel: actors from civil society and local authorities trained on budgetary monitoring – Senegalese press agency

Kanel, May 16 (APS) – Actors from civil society and representatives of the communes and the Departmental Council of Kanel began training, Thursday, on various aspects linked to the budget, in particular monitoring, analysis and transparency with The objective is to “strengthen the framework for participation and inclusion with the aim of building a sustainable dialogue”.

”The training session aims to strengthen the framework for participation and inclusion to build a dynamic and sustainable dialogue on budgetary issues. Because, throughout the process, weaknesses were noted, pushing organizations to put in place budgetary monitoring frameworks,” said Ibrahima Yamar Diop, coordinator of the Human Rights division within the NGO 3D.

Mr. Diop spoke at the launch of this three-day training session, in the presence of the deputy prefect of Kanel, Abdoul Aziz Mbodj, and Babou Ndao, secretary general of the National Coalition for Budgetary Monitoring (CONASUB)

According to him, the actors will be equipped in terms of budget development, its validation, its execution, its control and its evaluation. “The populations must be involved by allowing them to identify spending priorities,” he argued.

”If we manage to have an inclusive budget based on a framework that brings together all the actors involved in implementing this budget, we will be able to consider that we have a citizen budget that responds to the priorities and public policies defined at the central level. and local,” indicated Ibrahima Yamar Diop.

He pointed out that the participants are all actors in the process, in particular the State, local authorities and citizens who are part of the budget development chain.

These actors, according to the coordinator of the Human Rights division within the NGO 3D, are also members of the budgetary analysis and monitoring clubs.

The deputy prefect of Kanel maintained that the weakness in the rating of public participation in the execution of public expenditure and the budgetary process at the national level motivated the holding of this transfer.

”It is this same situation which has repercussions at the local level. We also note the involvement of civil society actors in the management of public affairs as well as the Citizen Participation Coalitions which are installed almost everywhere in the Matam region,” he added.

For Babou Ndao, SG of CONASUB, citizens, especially civil society actors, must be able to follow the budget “in order to be able to give their opinion in relation to expenditure”.


